21Shares Debuts 44th Crypto ETP FUTR, Boosting European Market Access

- 21Shrs xpnds its Europn crypto ETP linup with th lunch of th Futur of Crypto Indx ETP (FUTR).
- FUTR offrs invstors xposur to six ky trnds driving th futur of th crypto mrkt.
- Th ETP is dsignd to dpt to th fst-moving crypto mrkt through its dynmic lloction strtgy nd undrlying sst bcking.
21Shrs, prominnt forc in th cryptocurrncy xchng-trdd product (ETP) spc, is mking strtgic mov in Europ with th lunch of its Futur of Crypto Indx ETP (FUTR). This dvlopmnt coms on th hls of th compnys cll for th Europn Scuritis nd Mrkts Authority (ESMA) to rform rgultions rgrding crypto ssts within UCITS funds, mov imd t strmlining ccss for rtil invstors.
Dspit ongoing rgultory hurdls, 21Shrs is ctivly xpnding its Europn footprint. Announcd on Octobr 10th, th FUTR ETP will b listd on both Euronxt Pris nd Euronxt Amstrdm, brodning ccssibility for Europn invstors.
Diverse Exposure via Megatheme Crypto ETP
FUTR tks uniqu pproch, offring invstors xposur to divrs st of sctors shping th futur of th crypto mrkt. 21Shrs dscribs it s thir first-vr mgthm ETP, grnting invstors ccss to th six ky trnds nticiptd to ful th nxt phs of cryptos growth.
Ths trnds ncompss pymnt pltforms, smrt contrct blockchins, blockchin cclrtors, dcntrlizd finnc (DFi), rtificil intllignc (AI) nd dt solutions, nd th socil nd gming sctors.
As mgthm ETP, FUTR provids xposur to ch of th six ctgoris by trcking mrkt-cpitliztion wightd indx. This nsurs lding ssts within ch sctor rciv mor significnt wighting. Notbly, th ETP strs clr of high-risk ssts lik mm tokns nd privcy coins, focusing on projcts with minimum liquidity thrshold of $2 million.
Hny Rshwn, CEO nd co-foundr of 21Shrs, dscribd FUTR s groundbrking crypto mgthm ETP tht mrks significnt dvncmnt in th compnys Europn product offrings. H suggstd tht this nw invstmnt vhicl could b prticulrly ppling to invstors sking to xpnd thir cryptocurrncy portfolios byond Bitcoin nd Ethrum.
Navigating Crypto Market Trends
21Shrs dsignd th FUTR ETP to nvigt th dynmic ntur of th crypto mrkt. Th product incorports dynmic lloction strtgy, whr th undrlying indx djusts bsd on mrging trnds, nsuring th portfolio stys lignd with th industrys volving trjctory.
Furthrmor, th ETP is fully bckd by th undrlying crypto ssts, which r scurly stord in cold storg by n institutionl-grd custodin. This mrks th compnys 44th crypto ETP nd 10th crypto bskt ETP.
21Shrs prtnrd with MrktVctor Indxs, n xprt in crypto indxing, to dvlop th undrlying indx for th crypto ETP. Additionlly, thy r collborting with Flow Trdrs, who will srv s th mrkt mkr for th product, fcilitting liquidity for invstors sking xposur to th crypto mrkts futur potntil.
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Read more: https://www.tronweekly.com/21shares-debuts-44th-crypto-etp-futr/
Text source: TronWeekly