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Altcoin Surge Looms as Bitcoin Dominance Faces Potential Downside Break

Altcoin Surge Looms as Bitcoin Dominance Faces Potential Downside Break
© Copyright Image: TronWeekly

  • Anlysts nticipt n ltsson s ltcoins dmonstrt rsilinc, vn with Bitcoins rcnt pric rcovry.
  • Th TOTAL3 indx is tsting criticl rsistnc lvl; brkout could signl significnt mrkt chngs.
  • With Bitcoin dominnc t 57%, dclin my ncourg invstors to shift funds towrd ltcoins.

Ovr th pst month, th cryptocurrncy mrkt hs xprincd noticbl shift. Altcoins hv shown significnt strngth, vn s Bitcoin hs rgind som momntum. This shift hs ld mny nlysts to bliv tht th mrkt could b nring th strt of n nticiptd ltsson.

PrbolicPump, co-foundr of Crypto Cpitl, rcntly shrd his bullish outlook on socil mdi. Th pst fw dys hv bn vry bullish for mny Altcoins, h sttd. This sntimnt hs bn chod by svrl othr wll-known voics in th cryptocurrncy community.

On such trdr, 360Trdr, pointd to crucil tchnicl dvlopmnt 1-dy chrt. H notd tht TOTAL3, which trcks th totl mrkt cp xcluding Bitcoin (BTC) nd Ethrum (ETH), hs onc gin tstd th uppr limit of flling chnnl. This lvl hs ctd s mjor rsistnc point sinc Mrch 2024. If th mrkt closs dcisivly bov this point, it could signl mjor shift. 360Trdr vn suggstd it could b nil in th coffin for brs.

Source: 360Trader

Bitcoin Dominance Set for Potential Drop

PrbolicPump furthr highlights potntil downsid brk for Bitcoin dominnc, which is currntly hovring round 57.39%. This mtric rprsnts BTCs shr of th totl cryptocurrncy mrkt cpitliztion. A significnt drop in dominnc is oftn sn s signl for invstors to rott thir cpitl from Bitcoin into ltrntiv coins.

It is only mttr of tim, PrbolicPump mphsizs, pointing out tht vry bull run in crypto hd phs whr Bitcoin dominnc droppd to th downsid significntly. This historicl trnd supports th id of potntil ltsson.

Nbrskngoonr, lding nlyst, blivs BTCs rcnt dominnc surg could b tmporry pk. H points to brish divrgnc on th Rltiv Strngth Indx (RSI), signling potntil mrkt wkning for Bitcoin.

On Sptmbr 24, Titn of Crypto, nothr xprt, notd significnt pttrn on th 5-dy chrt of th totl crypto mrkt cp, xcluding BTC nd ETH. Th chrt shows brkout bov rsistnc trndlin, hinting t likly ris in ltcoin prics. Additionlly, bullish MACD crossovr strngthns this outlook.

Source: Titan of Crypto

Whil th tchnicl indictors r bullish, it is crucil to mintin cutious prspctiv. Th Blockchin Cntrs ltcoin sson indx, which nlyzs th prformnc of th top 50 ltcoins rltiv to Bitcoin ovr 90-dy priod, currntly sits t mr 33%, fr from th 75% ndd to confirm n ltsson.

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Text source: TronWeekly

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