Bitcoin ETFs Soar: $556M Inflows Mark Biggest Day Since June

- US-bsd Bitcoin ETFs witnssd thir lrgst dily nt inflow in four months on Octobr 14th, totling $555.9 million.
- Fidlitys Wis Bitcoin Origin Fund ld th inflows mong Bitcoin ETFs, ttrcting $239.3 million.
- Ethrum-focusd funds sw miniml or zro nt flows, highlighting disprity in invstor intrst.
US spot Bitcoin xchng-trdd funds (ETFs) r xprincing thir strongst dy in ovr four months. On Octobr 14th, ths invstmnt vhicls witnssd collctiv nt inflow of stggring $555.9 million, mrking th lrgst dily nt inflow sinc rly Jun, ccording to dt from SpotOnChin.
This significnt influx coincids with Bitcoin rching two-wk high of $66,500 during lt trding on th sm dy. Industry xprts viw this s bullish sign, with Nt Grci, Prsidnt of ETF Stor, clling it monstr dy for spot BTC ETFs. Grci furthr mphsizd th growing institutionl doption of Bitcoin, highlighting tht ths spot ETFs hv now mssd clos to $20 billion in nt inflows ovr th pst tn months.
Simply ridiculous nd blows wy vry pr-lunch dmnd stimt, Grci sttd in n Octobr 15th post. This is NOT dgn rtil, its dvisrs nd institutionl invstors continuing to slowly dopt.
Fidelity Bitcoin ETF Leads Inflows
Among th 11 Bitcoin ETFs, Fidlity Wis Bitcoin Origin Fund (FBTC) hs mrgd s th frontrunnr, ttrcting n inflow of $239.3 millionits highst sinc Jun 4. Th Bitwis Bitcoin ETF (BITB) ws clos bhind, with inflows xcding $100 million. BlckRocks iShrs Bitcoin Trust (IBIT) lso xprincd notbl influx of $79.6 million.
Furthr down th list, Ark Innovtion ETFs 21Shrs Bitcoin ETF (ARKB) grnrd inflows of just undr $70 million. Th long-stblishd Gryscl Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) rcordd its first inflow for Octobr t $37.8 million, mrking its highst lvl sinc rly My.
Whil Bitcoin njoys surg in invstor intrst, Ethrum funds hvnt witnssd th sm momntum. Bitwis, VnEck, Frnklin, nd Gryscl rportd miniml or zro nt flows. Fidlity nd Invscos offrings sw minor inflows.
Th lon bright spot ws BlckRocks iShrs Ethrum Trust (ETHA), which rcivd $14.4 million inflow, bringing th totl inflow for Ethrum funds to mgr $17 million. Notbly, th cumultiv nt inflow for Ethrum ftr 59 trding dys currntly stnds t ngtiv$534 million.
Bitcoins Future: Cautious Optimism Prevails
Dspit th ncourging inflow figurs, nlysts rmin cutiously optimistic bout Bitcoins futur trjctory. At th tim of writing, Bitcoin is hovring round $65,267, rgistring 2.46% growth within th lst 24 hours. Whil this is positiv indiction, nlysts r closly monitoring Bitcoins pric movmnt in rltion to ky rsistnc nd support zons. Th prssing qustion is whthr Bitcoin cn sustin its upwrd trnd or if potntil dclin lis hd.
Crypto Ptl, prominnt nlyst with significnt following, hs introducd not of cution by shring chrt suggsting brish scnrio. Ptl pointd out tht Bitcoin hs brokn through Brish Ordr Block (OB) nr th $66,000 mrk, followd by liquidity grb.
Ptl suggsts tht Bitcoin my rtst th crucil support rng of $63,200 to $62,500. Should Bitcoin succssfully clos bov $66,250 within four-hour timfrm, this could continu th currnt bullish trnd. Convrsly, filing to chiv this lvl might rinforc th brish outlook.
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Text source: TronWeekly