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Blast Airdrop 2024- The Comprehensive Guide for Blast Airdrop

Blast Airdrop 2024- The Comprehensive Guide for Blast Airdrop
© Copyright Image: CryptoTicker

Meet Blast, the new player in the Ethereum Layer 2 (L2) scaling world. Its mission? Tackling the pesky problems of speed and cost that have been bugging Ethereum users on the mainnet. Since late 2023, Blast has been stirring up excitement with its bridging crowd loan. You lock your Ethereum for three months before Blasts mainnet goes live. This article is all about the step-by-step guide to help you navigate Blast Airdrop 2024 and get in on those juicy airdrops that are on the way.

And guess what? Now that Blasts mainnet is up and running, there are loads of airdrop opportunities waiting for users who dive into the Blast ecosystem and start making transactions. 

What is Blast L2?

Think of the Ethereum mainnet as a bustling city street, always jam-packed with slow and pricey transactions. Now, enter Blast L2, acting as a separate highway, where transactions zip by faster and at a lower cost. Like other L2 solutions, Blast relies on optimistic rollups. Heres how it works: transactions happen off-chain, away from the mainnet, which drastically boosts speed and cuts costs. But, for the final seal of approval, Blast still leans on the security of the Ethereum blockchain.

What makes Blast stand out? Its all about native yield. Picture this: by holding certain cryptocurrencies like ETH, USDC, USDT, and DAI in your Blast wallet, you might earn rewards without lifting a finger. Blasts main idea revolves around ETH or its stablecoin counterpart USDB, offering a 35% annual yield. But, some folks arent entirely sold on this concept of native yield, questioning its long-term stability. So, its wise to do your own digging and grasp the potential risks before diving into Blast.

What are the possible advantages?

In terms of benefits, using Blast could mean faster and cheaper transactions, thanks to the off-chain processing which can outpace the Ethereum mainnet. Plus, theres the possibility of earning passive income through native yield, which sounds pretty appealing for users looking to make their crypto work for them.

However, its important to consider a few things. Firstly, Blast is still in its early stages as a new project, so getting involved now could be a great opportunity to contribute to its growth. 

Yet, there are concerns about the long-term sustainability of the native yield model, which might need more observation and analysis to fully understand its viability. 

Additionally, while Blast holds significant Total Value Locked (TVL), its worth noting that there are other potential airdrop opportunities out there to explore, such as Mode, Scroll, or LayerZero, which might also warrant your attention.

How to interact with BLAST L2?: Interacting and connecting with Blast

  • Join the Blast Ecosystem here.
  • Give @Blast_L2 a follow on Twitter.
  • Hop on over to Blasts Discord server.
  • Kickstart your journey by bridging 0.05 ETH into the Blast Ecosystem with the Blast Bridge.

After youve made your first bridge through the official one, you can keep bridging more ETH and stablecoins into Blast using an alternate bridge like Orbiter to save on those pesky gas fees.

Which Dapp within Blast might offer exciting opportunities for Airdrops?

Once youve got your ETH over to Blast, the next move is to dive into the Blast ecosystem to start racking up some Blast Points. There are two ways to score these points: simply hold onto native ETH and USDB to earn points and yields each day, though you might miss out on some cool dapp airdrops. Here are some fascinating airdrop protocols for users to check out and interact with.

1. Blastoff Zone

  • Method 1: Stake your ETH/USDB: For every $1 worth of assets you stake, youll snag 1 $OFFxPoint per day. These points will chip in towards future $OFF airdrops.
  • Method 2: Mint some fyETH/fyUSDB: When you mint $1 worth of future yield tokens, youll bag 10 $OFFxPoints daily as long as youve got an open position.
  • Method 3: Go for the long haul: Extra $OFFxPoints will be tossed your way if youre holding onto a diamond-level Minter Vault position or if youre a long-term staker.

2. Bladeswap

Blast Points (Bridged asset points):

Since November 20th, if youve bridged ETH/USD to the Blast launch bridge, youve been earning points based on your balance over time. Once youve deposited into Bladeswap, the points keep coming, and you can track them on the Blast Point dashboard. They will credit all these points to their Vault contract, depending on how much ETH/USDC LP and ETH/BLADE LP youre staking. Make sure you dont miss a single drop of the Blast airdrop!

Blast Gold (Developer points):

As the runner-up winner of the BigBang competition, they have already scored a bunch of Developer points, which they will keep getting even after the mainnet launch. These points, aka Blast Gold, are seriously valuable and can be swapped for BLAST tokens down the line! They are planning to give back 100% of these Developer points and Gold to their users through a Loot Box system. All you gotta do is claim a Box every day to get rewards and NFTs, and you can pump up your boxes and NFTs even more by trading, LP, and voting activities on Bladeswap! The most loyal users are in line to claim the lions share of the $Blast and $Blade airdrops!

3. Yolo Games

YOLO Games is a fresh take on on-chain gaming, designed solely to reward adventurous players. With each move you make, your Points pile up, boosting your leaderboard standing. Complete daily tasks, reach new milestones, and reap the rewards at the end of each season.

Now, YOLO Games introduces a point system where users can earn YOLO tokens and Blast airdrops by placing wagers. Theyve kicked off an airdrop for users whove bridged to Blast. If youve already bridged by February 27th, youll receive BOOST tokens based on your bridged amount. Play the YOLO game to convert BOOST into points. At the end of Season 1, points will be exchanged for YOLO tokens and Blast Gold airdrops.

Heres the step-by-step guide:

  • Head over to the YOLO Games airdrop page.
  • Connect your Blast wallet.
  • Follow them on Twitter and jump into their Discord channel.
  • Based on the tokens youve bridged to BLAST, youll receive free BOOST tokens. The snapshot for this was taken at Ethereum block 19332142.
  • Now, head to the YOLO Games page and start wagering your BOOST tokens to turn them into points.
  • Remember, you need to convert your BOOST tokens into points to qualify for the airdrop.
  • To do this, dive into the YOLO game and use up all your BOOST tokens. If you win, youll snag some bonus BOOST tokens, which can also be converted into points.
  • Scroll down and hit Unlock Season 1 Now to convert your BOOST tokens into points.
  • After each season ends, your points will be switched into YOLO tokens and Blast airdrops.
  • Act fast because the Season 1 airdrop for BLAST users is wrapping up soon, so grab it while you can.
  • Keep engaging with YOLO Games even after Season 1 to earn more points and more juicy airdrops.

4. Juice Finance

Juice is a lending system in Blast. Its all about helping users farm more than they put in. By depositing wETH or USDB, you can join the DEX-pool and use the Juice system.

Heres a simplified step-by-step guide for the Juice Finance Airdrop:

  • Go to the Juice Finance
  • Connect your wallet and switch to Blast Sepolia Testnet.
  • Claim your USDB, convert Blast ETH to WETH, and use WETH as collateral. Then, you can borrow USDB to make transactions on Juice and participate in various farming protocols by providing liquidity.
  • Participate in the Juice raffle on MVHQ for a chance to win 1000 Juice points.
  • After the mainnet launch, head to the Juice trading hub to redeem your Juice points.
  • Juice Finance will also be giving points to users who have bridged to Blast in the past few months.

5. Blast District One

  • Go to the DistrictOne platform.
  • Connect your wallet and use the access code NZUEEB.
  • Connect your Twitter account and follow @DistrictOneIO.
  • Join the Linkup Stealing Game with a 0.005 ETH Blast fee, which is instantly converted to $OLE.
  • Claim your initial Gems Airdrop bag and share it on X to boost your bag by 50%.
  • Explore DistrictOne, play Money Games, invite friends, and earn Gems, $OLE, and Blast Gold.
  • Gems can be converted into $OLE every two weeks, with the First Epoch happening on March 14.

6. Spacebar

Spacebar, known as an on-chain playground, is a platform where users can play games and interact to earn different kinds of points. By connecting their profile picture (PFP) NFTs, users can create avatars in the ecosystem and even mint new NFTs within the Spacebar game world.

Additionally, Spacebar rewards users for staking ETH within the platform, offering them extra incentives. One of the main attractions of the project is the promise of an upcoming airdrop for early and engaged participants.

In Phase 1, youll be able to:

Select a PFP NFT to represent your digital identity on Spacebar.

Get a free Blast Protoship NFT.

Stake $ETH.

Refer friends to join in the fun.

7. Mangrove Exchange

Mangrove stands out as a distinct decentralized exchange where you can reinvest your liquidity and boost your earnings through spreads, yields, and points. Theyve rolled out a new system called Mangrove Points, rewarding active members within the Mangrove community. Points are distributed according to set guidelines and individual trading and liquidity contribution performance.

  • Step 1: Deposit Funds into Blast: To kick things off, youll want to deposit funds into Blast. Keep in mind, that using the official bridge earns you additional Blast points. Its like scoring a bonus for following the correct procedure!
  • Step 2: Swap on Next up, head over to and start making some swaps.

8. Wen Exchange on Blast

Wen Exchange is all about boosting earnings for creators, buyers, and traders with native yields and super low trading fees.

As part of their early access deal, Wen Exchange is handing out 400 WEN tokens to users who sign up. Just register with your wallet and tackle the social tasks to grab your 400 WEN tokens. And if youve bridged to Blast or deposited to Blur, youll snag some extra WEN tokens. Plus, score an extra 15% of the WEN tokens from every referral you bring in.

Heres a step-by-step guide:

  • Head to the Wen Exchange.
  • Connect your Ethereum wallet.
  • Follow them on Twitter and hop into their Discord channel.
  • Score yourself 400 WEN tokens.
  • Plus, youll snag some bonus WEN tokens if youve bridged to Blast or deposited to Blur.
  • Share the tweet mentioned on the airdrop page to pump up your tokens by an extra 50%.
  • And dont forget, youll earn 15% of the WEN tokens from every friend you refer.

Blast User Airdrop: How to earn BLAST Points?

Wallet Balance

Half of the Blast Airdrop is set aside for Blast Points. Your wallet will automatically earn Points every block, based on how much ETH/WETH/USDB you have. You can see this in real-time on your Airdrop dashboard. To boost your Points, you can bridge more assets to Blast.

Your Points will increase over time as your wallet balance grows, thanks to the native yield on Blast (around 4% for ETH/WETH and 5% for USDB).

ETH/WETH balances consistently earn Points, while the amount of Points earned with USDB depends on the current ETH price. The conversion rate from USDB to ETH for Points is updated whenever you receive or send USDB.


When your friends you invited earn Points, youll get an extra 16% on top of that. And youll also earn another 8% on top of the Points earned by the friends they invite. The more friends you invite to bridge, the more youll earn!


DApps earn Points just like wallets do, depending on how much value they hold. When you transfer ETH/WETH/USDB from your wallet to DApps, those DApps will start earning Points based on what you transferred.

DApps should give back the Points they earn to you. They need to connect with the Blast Points API to do this. Any Points you receive from DApps will show up on your Airdrop dashboard.

How to earn Multipliers?

Multipliers boost your Points and how quickly you earn them. For example, if you have 100 Points and earn 20 Points per hour, getting a 2x Multiplier will double your Points to 200, and youll earn 40 Points per hour.

You can get Multipliers by using specific Dapps that are highlighted. When you check out a Multiplier, youll see which Dapps can help you earn it. Just use any of these highlighted Dapps, and youll get the Multiplier.

You dont have to spend a lot of money or take risks to earn Multipliers. Actually, you dont need to put any money on the line at all. Just by making a transaction with a highlighted Dapp, youll get the Multiplier. This means everyone, whether theyre big investors or newbies, can earn Multipliers equally.

How to earn Gold?


Half of the Blast Airdrop goes to Blast Gold. Gold is for DApps, and unlike Points, Gold is distributed manually. The Blast incentives committee will distribute Gold every 2-3 weeks and announce publicly once Gold has been distributed.You can check the Airdrop Page to see which DApps have received Gold.

Gold is meant to be used as incentives for DApp growth. This means that DApps should give 100% of any Gold they earn to their users. They must integrate with the Blast Points API to do so.


Youll get an extra 16% of any Gold your invites earn, and an extra 8% of any Gold your invites invites earn. The more your invites use DApps and earn Gold, the more youll earn too!

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Text source: CryptoTicker

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