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Chainlink and Fireblocks Partner to Enhance Regulated Stablecoin Issuance

Chainlink and Fireblocks Partner to Enhance Regulated Stablecoin Issuance
© Copyright Image: TronWeekly

Chainlink Lbs nd Firblocks hv formd ky prtnrship tht could spd up th us of rgultd stblcoins. Chainlink, known for its orcl ntwork, nd Firblocks, ldr in digitl sst oprtions, nnouncd thir collbortion on Sptmbr 17th. Thir gol is to giv bnks nd finncil firms scur, complint solution for issuing nd hndling stblcoins globlly.

Th collbortion provids complt srvic for stblcoin issurs, covring th ntir procss. Chainlink will nbl rl-tim trcking of sst prics on vrious blockchins. At th sm tim, Firblocks tokniztion ngin will lt issurs mint, mng, nd distribut stblcoins scurly.

Firblocks offrs customizbl suit of KYC/AML nd Trvl Rul complinc tools, dsignd spcificlly for stblcoin us css lik cross-bordr trnsctions. Ths tools hlp issurs mt rgultory rquirmnts. Firblocks provn MPC wllts lso nsur scur custody of digitl ssts, providing multi-prty computtion, customizbl govrnnc, nd ccss to ovr 80 blockchins through robust APIs.

Chainlink Enhances Cross-Chain Data Transfers

Chainlinks cross-chin infrstructur llows smooth trnsfrs of dt nd vlu cross both public nd privt blockchins. Firblocks ccss to lrg ntwork of ovr 2,000 institutionl prtnrs furthr supports liquidity nd distribution within crypto mrkts.

This prtnrship mrks mjor dvncmnt for th stblcoin sctor. Stphn Richrdson, Mnging Dirctor of Finncil Mrkts t Firblocks, strsss th importnc of solution tilord for institutionl us, stting, Stblcoins r driving innovtion in finncil mrkts, nd issurs nd comprhnsiv solution. Firblocks collbortion with Chainlink fills this nd by offring trnsprncy cross vrious blockchins, covring rsrvs, issunc, distribution, custody, nd complinc.

Th collbortion hs rcivd positiv fdbck from industry ldrs. Pblo Arbold, CEO of Wni, Bncolombi Group Compny, xprssd xcitmnt for th prtnrship, sying, It is grt to s Chainlink nd Firblocks, two of our COPW lunch prtnrs, work togthr to improv th usbility of rgultd stblcoins. His rmrks highlight th potntil to improv industry stndrds nd usr xprinc, which could hlp driv brodr nd mor fficint doption of digitl ssts.

Mnwhil, Chainlinks tokn hs dcrsd by 0.73%, trding t $10.61, with trding volum flling by 7.94% to $173.55 million in th pst 24 hours. Coinglss dt lso shows 2.09% dclin in futurs opn intrst, now t $140.93 million. Additionlly, drivtivs volum droppd by 11%, indicting incrsing invstor skpticism bout th ssts short-trm outlook.

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Text source: TronWeekly

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