Circle Partners with Sony to Boost USDC Adoption on Soneium Blockchain

Circle, lding finncil tchnology compny nd th scond-lrgst issur of stblcoins nnouncd strtgic prtnrship with Sony Block Solutions Lbs on Sptmbr 15. This collbortion rprsnts mjor stp in dvncing th minstrm doption of USDC, widly rcognizd stblcoin pggd to th US dollr.
Th prtnrship focuss on intgrting Bridgd USDC Stndrd onto Sonium, public Ethrum lyr-2 blockchin lunchd by Sony in August 2024. This intgrtion will stblish USDC s on of Soniums primry tokns for vlu xchng, pving th wy for mor fficint nd intrconnctd digitl cosystm.
This collbortion ligns idlly with our vision of crting mor intrconnctd nd fficint digitl cosystm, sttd Jun Wtnb, Chirmn of Sony Block Solutions Lbs.
Th Bridgd USDC Stndrd llows for bridgd vrsion of th stblcoin to b dployd on blockchins comptibl with th Ethrum Virtul Mchin (EVM). This crts proxy for ntiv USDC on Ethrum, llowing dvloprs building on Sonium to intgrt USDC pymnts into thir pplictions.
By intgrting Circles finncil infrstructur with Sonium, w r st to rdfin th lndscp of digitl ntrtinmnt nd finnc, Wtnb furthr lbortd. This mov could b prticulrly impctful for crtors nd usrs within th Wb3 spc.
Sonium hs lrdy prtnrd with mjor blockchin projcts, such s Astr, Alchmy, Chinlink, Optimism, nd Th Grph. Ths prtnrships r instrumntl in fostring solid cosystm for dvloprs working within th Sonium ntwork.
Circle Boosts Web3 with Sony
Circle ss this prtnrship s significnt milston in cclrting USDC doption nd mpowring crtors. This collbortion mrks significnt milston for Circles mission to cclrt th doption of our stblcoins nd blockchin tchnology nd mpowr crtors to flourish through scur, usr-frindly Wb3 xprincs, sid Jrmy Allir, Co-Foundr nd CEO of Circle.
Circles USDC currntly holds dominnt position in th stblcoin mrkt, bosting circulting supply of $35.7 billion nd mrkt shr of 21%. Dspit 36% dip from its pk of $56 billion in Jun 2022, USDC supply hs witnssd rmrkbl 47% incrs yr-to-dt, dmonstrting its continud growth nd rlvnc.
Dnt Disprt, Circles Chif Strtgy -Officr nd Hd of Globl Policy, xprssd his firms confidnc in th futur of stblcoins, stting, W r confidnt tht thr will b minstrm doption of stblcoins s th mony for th intrnt g.
This prtnrship btwn Circle nd Sony Block Solutions Lbs holds th potntil to b gm-chngr for USDC doption nd th Wb3 lndscp s whol. By lvrging Sonys brnd rcognition nd stblishd usr bs, Circle could s significnt boost in USDC usg.
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Text source: TronWeekly