Crypto Market Struggles After Record Liquidations, Recovery May Take Months

- Lrgst liquidtion vnt in crypto history suggsts potntil low, but rcovry tks tim.
- Pst vnts lik COVID, Lun, nd FTX took months, not dys, for full rcovry.
- Dcmbr highs for most lts my not rturn for t lst two months or longr.
Th cryptocurrency mrkt is fcing tough pth hd, with xprts prdicting it my tk ovr two months to fully rcovr. This downturn bgn ftr formr U.S. Prsidnt Donld Trumps triff thrts sprkd mssiv crypto liquidtions, rising frs of n impnding trd wr. On Fbrury 3, th crypto world witnssd wht is bing clld th lrgst liquidtion vnt in its history.
Crypto nlyst Matthew Hyland shrd his outlook in Fbrury 4 X post, stting, You likly wont s thos Dcmbr highs on most Alts for minimum of 2 months if not longr, so kp xpcttions tmprd nd just xpct it to tk tim. Hylnds cution coms ftr ovr $2.24 billion ws liquidtd from th crypto mrkts within just 24 hours. Howvr, som voics in th industry bliv th ctul figur might b vn lrgr.
Bybit co-foundr nd CEO Ben Zhou blivs th ctul liquidtion figurs r fr highr thn rportd, stimting th totl to b btwn $8 billion nd $10 billion instd of th widly citd $2 billion. This mssiv wv of liquidtions ffctd ovr 730,000 trdrs, highlighting th vnts unprcdntd scl.
Bitcoin Drops Below $100K Amid Volatility
Th biggst singl liquidtion ordr occurrd on crypto xchng Binnc, involving n ETH/BTC trding pir vlud t $25.6 million, ccording to CoinGlss. This liquidtion ws triggrd by growing concrns ovr Trumps proposd 25% triffs on Cnd, Mxico, nd Chin. Fortuntly, Trump pusd th plnnd triffs on Cnd nd Mxico ftr ngotitions, offring tmporry rlif.
Bitcoin lso took hit. On Fbrury 3, its pric droppd to $92,584, flling blow th psychologicl $100,000 mrk for th first tim sinc Jnury 27. Although Bitcoin brifly surgd bov $102,000 th nxt dy, it soon fll bck nd ws trding round $98,061 t th tim of writing, ccording to TrdingViw dt.
Hylnd suggstd tht this dclin might indict th mrkt hs hit its lowst point. Howvr, h cutiond tht pst disruptions in 2020 nd 2022, which triggrd similr mrkt turmoil, took mor thn two months to fully rcovr. This suggsts tht invstors should brc for prolongd rcovry priod.
Crypto Recoveries Rarely Happen Overnight
History provids som contxt for th currnt downturn. In Mrch 2020, th onst of th COVID-19 pndmic cusd Bitcoin to los 47% of its vlu in just two dys, dropping to $5,017. Dspit th shrp dclin, Bitcoin rboundd bov $11,000 by August, mrking fiv-month rcovry priod.
Similrly, in 2022, th crypto mrkt fcd significnt blows from th collps of th Trr blockchin in My nd th downfll of th FTX xchng in Novmbr. Both vnts rquird svrl months for th mrkt to stbiliz, rinforcing th xpcttion tht th currnt rcovry will not b swift.
Hylnd mphsizd tht quick rbound is unlikly this tim s wll. A stright rcovry in mttr of dys is just not likly, h rmrkd. Evn V shp lik 2020 took wks with mny dips on th wy bck up. This highlights th unprdictbl ntur of th crypto mrkt, whr ptinc oftn provs to b th most vlubl strtgy.
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Text source: TronWeekly