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Cryptocurrency Exchanges with Stop Limit and Take Profit

Crypto Exchanges Stop Limit and Take Profit

  • Almost all exchanges has the stop limit and take profit feature.
  • Other common order types are market order, limit order, and trailing stop order.
  • Some order types are preferred for spot trading while others are more appropriate for futures and leverage trading.

Bybit Stop Loss and Take Profit Order

Bybit Stop Loss Limit and Take Profit Limit

  1. Enter a number in the box for Order by Qty.
  2. After this, you can click the box Take profit/Stop loss.
  3. Here, you can enter stop loss limit orders and take profit limit orders.

MEXC Stop Loss and Take Profit Order

MEXC Stop Loss Limit and Take Profit Limit

  1. Enter a number in the box for Ouantity(USDT).
  2. After this, click the box Long TP/SL or Short TP/SL.
  3. Here, you can enter stop loss limit orders and take profit limit orders. As you can see in the dropdown, you can enter either price, ROE(return on equity given in %) or Profit/Loss(given in USDT).

Kraken Stop Loss and Take Profit Order

Stop-Loss Limit Orders: 

Protect Your Open Positions:

A stop-loss limit order is a valuable tool for managing risk and limiting potential losses on open positions. It combines elements of both stop-loss and limit orders, offering more control than a standard stop-loss.

How it Works:

  1. Set Your Stops: You define a stop price that triggers the order when reached. This acts like a safety net, preventing losses beyond that point.
  2. Define Your Limits: Unlike a market order, you also set a limit price. This represents the maximum (for sell orders) or minimum (for buy orders) acceptable price for closing your position.

Execution Details:

  • Market vs. Limit: Depending on the gap between the stop and limit prices, your order might:
    • Execute immediately at the prevailing market price (if within spread) acting as a taker order.
    • Be placed on the order book as a limit order, waiting for a matching order at your desired price.
  • Trigger Price Flexibility: You can choose to trigger the order based on the mark pricelast trade price, or index price.
  • Reduce-Only: This order type cannot be used to open new positions, only to close existing ones.

Margin and Order Checks:

  • While margin isnt required to place the order, a margin check will occur at the trigger point. Insufficient margin will lead to order rejection.
  • Limit Price Restriction: Similar to limit orders, the limit price must be within 20% of the mark price to avoid rejection.


  • Long Position Protection: You hold a long position with a current price of $5,000. You set a stop-loss limit sell order with a stop price of $4,500 and a limit price of $4,400. If the price falls to $4,500, the order triggers, aiming to sell at $4,400 (or higher if available).
  • Short Position Management: You hold a short position at $5,000. To limit potential losses if the price rises, you set a stop-loss limit buy order with a stop price of $5,400 and a limit price of $5,500. If the price reaches $5,400, the order triggers, aiming to buy at $5,500 (or lower if available).

By understanding stop-loss limit orders, you can add another layer of control to your trading strategy, helping you manage risk and potentially mitigate losses in volatile markets.

Take Profit Limit Orders

Lock in Profits:

A take profit limit order is a tool designed to help you secure profits on your existing positions. It lets you define specific price targets and automatically close your position when those targets are met.

Two Key Components:

  • Trigger Price: This price acts like a checkpoint. When the market price reaches or surpasses this level, the order is triggered.
  • Limit Price: This price represents the minimum acceptable price (for sell orders) or maximum acceptable price (for buy orders) at which youre willing to close your position.

Execution Details:

  • Trigger Flexibility: You can choose to trigger the order based on the mark pricelast trade price, or index price.
  • Reduce-Only: Remember, this order type is for closing existing positions only. It cannot be used to open new ones.

Important Checks:

  • While margin isnt required to place the order, a margin check occurs at the trigger point. Insufficient margin leads to order rejection.
  • Limit Price Restriction: Similar to limit orders, the limit price must be within 20% of the mark price to avoid rejection.

In essence, take profit limit orders offer a proactive approach to securing your profits and preventing potential reversals. By setting clear targets and using this order type, you can aim to capture your desired gains and manage your risk effectively.

Crypto Trading Orders

Several orders can be placed in cryptocurrency trading, each serving different strategies and purposes. Here are the primary types:

  1. Market Order: This is the most basic type of order. A market order is executed immediately at the current market price. Its used when the priority is to complete the trade quickly rather than at a specific price.

  2. Limit Order: A limit order is set to buy or sell a cryptocurrency at a specific price or better. The order will be executed only at the limit price or lower for a buy-limit order. A sell limit order will be completed only at the limit price or higher. This order is used when you want to specify the price you want to buy or sell.

  3. Stop Order (Stop-Loss Order): This order becomes a market order once the specified stop price is reached or passed. Its often used to limit a loss or protect a profit on a cryptocurrency a trader already owns.

  4. Stop-Limit Order: This order combines the features of a stop order and a limit order. Once the stop price is reached, a stop-limit order becomes a limit order executed at a specified price (or better).

  5. Trailing Stop Order: This order sets the stop price at a fixed amount below the market price with an attached trailing amount. As the market price rises, the stop price increases by the trial amount, but the stop-loss price doesnt change if the stock price falls.

  6. Take Profit Order (TP): This order locks in profits. When the price reaches the take profit level, the order is executed and closes the position to secure the gains.

  7. Fill or Kill (FOK): This is an order that must be filled immediately in its entirety or not at all. This type of order is typically used for large-volume trades.

  8. Immediate or Cancel (IOC): This order must be executed immediately. Any part of the order that cannot be filled immediately is canceled. It differs from FOK in that it allows partial fills.

  9. Good-Til-Cancelled (GTC): This order remains active until the trader cancels it. Brokers typically limit the maximum time to keep an order open (usually 30-90 days).

  10. Good-Til-Date/Time (GTD): This order remains active until a specified date unless fulfilled or canceled.

  11. Iceberg Order: Large orders are divided into smaller limit orders, and only a portion is visible on the order book at any given time. This strategy avoids influencing the market price with a large order.

Understanding these different order types can help traders better manage their trades and apply strategies suited to their trading goals and risk tolerance.

Crypto Trading Market Order

A market order in cryptocurrency trading is an instruction to buy or sell a crypto asset immediately at the current market price. This type of order is prioritized for speed over price, making it a common choice for traders who value immediacy. However, there are several key aspects and potential drawbacks to consider:

When you create a market order, you add take liquidity from the order book and become a market taker.

  1. Spread: The spread is the difference between the bid (buy) and ask (sell) prices for a cryptocurrency. Wider spreads can lead to less favorable execution prices for market orders, especially in markets with low liquidity.

  2. Slippage: Slippage occurs when the price at which the order is executed differs from the price when the order was placed. In fast-moving markets or for large orders, the price can change significantly in the brief moment between placing the order and its execution. This can result in a higher cost for buys and a lower return for sells than anticipated.

  3. Market Impact: Large market orders can significantly impact the market price of a cryptocurrency, particularly in less liquid markets. A large buy order can drive the price up, while a large sell order can push it down, affecting the traders entry or exit price.

  4. Timing: Market orders are executed almost instantaneously, which is beneficial in highly volatile markets where prices can change rapidly. This immediacy can be crucial for traders looking to capitalize on short-term market movements.

  5. Liquidity: The liquidity of a cryptocurrency affects how quickly and efficiently market orders are filled. In highly liquid markets, orders are filled quickly with minimal slippage. In less liquid markets, filling large orders can be challenging, leading to significant price changes and slippage.

  6. Costs and Fees: Traders should be aware of the trading fees associated with market orders, which can vary between exchanges. These fees, coupled with potential slippage and spread costs, can impact the overall profitability of a trade.

  7. Market Conditions: The effectiveness and risks associated with market orders can vary greatly depending on overall market conditions. During periods of high volatility or market disruption, the chances of experiencing high slippage and unfavorable execution prices increase.

In summary, while market orders offer the advantage of immediate execution, they come with risks such as slippage, spread, and potential market impact, especially in volatile or less liquid markets. Traders should weigh these factors against their trading objectives and risk tolerance.

Crypto Trading Limit Order

A limit order in cryptocurrency trading is buying or selling a digital asset at a specific price or better. It gives traders control over the price at which the order is executed, distinguishing it from market orders executed immediately at the current market price. 

When you create a limit order, you add liquidity to the market and become a market maker.

If you place a limit sell order over the current market price, you place it.

Here are the critical aspects of a limit order:

  1. Price Control: The primary advantage of a limit order is the ability to specify the exact price at which you are willing to buy or sell a cryptocurrency. This ensures that the trader does not pay more or receive less than their predetermined price.

  2. No Immediate Execution: Unlike market orders, limit orders are not executed immediately. They are placed on the order book and executed only when the market price meets the order price. This can be a drawback in fast-moving markets where prices change quickly.

  3. Partial Fills: Limit orders can be partially filled if there arent enough buyers or sellers at the desired price point to complete the order in full. The remaining part of the order stays active until it can be filled or the trader cancels it.

  4. No Slippage: Limit orders protect against slippage, which is the difference between the expected price of an order and the price at which it is executed. This is particularly useful in volatile markets.

  5. Liquidity and Market Impact: Limit orders contribute to the depth and liquidity of the market. They are less likely to cause significant market impact than large orders.

  6. Use in Trading Strategies: Limit orders are essential in various trading strategies, especially for those who trade on technical analysis or require entry and exit at specific prices.

  7. Expiration Options: Traders can set how long a limit order remains active with options like Good-Til-Cancelled (GTC) or Good-Til-Date/Time (GTD). The order is automatically canceled if it isnt filled within this period.

  8. Risk of Non-Execution: A significant risk with limit orders is the possibility that the order may not be executed at all, especially if the limit price is far from the market price or in less liquid markets.

  9. Fees: Fees for limit orders can vary based on the trading platform and are generally lower than market orders, as limit orders provide liquidity to the market.

In summary, limit orders in cryptocurrency trading offer precise price control and protection against slippage, making them suitable for strategic trades based on specific price targets. However, traders must be aware of the potential for partial fills and the risk that the order may not be executed if the market price does not reach the limit.

Crypto Trading Stop-Loss and Stop Limit Order

In cryptocurrency trading, stop-loss and stop-limit orders are tools that traders use to manage risk and protect profits.

Stop-Loss Order: This is an order placed with a broker to buy or sell once the asset reaches a certain price. A stop-loss order is designed to limit a traders loss on a position. It automatically triggers a sale if the price drops to a specific level. For example, if a trader owns Bitcoin at $40,000 and sets a stop-loss order at $35,000, the order will execute if Bitcoins price falls to $35,000, thereby capping the potential loss.

Stop-Limit Order: This order combines the features of a stop order with a limit order. When the stop price is reached, a stop-limit order becomes a limit order that will be executed at a specified price, or better. Unlike a stop-loss order, a stop-limit will not be filled if the assets price is in a fast decline past the limit price without ever being traded at the limit price.

Key Differences:

  • Execution: A stop-loss order turns into a market order when triggered, guaranteeing execution but not price. A stop-limit order turns into a limit order, which will only fill at the limit price or better.
  • Price Slippage: Stop-loss orders are susceptible to slippage if the price falls too rapidly. Stop-limit orders may not execute if the price skips past the limit price.
  • Risk Management: Both order types are used to manage risk, but the stop-loss is more about limiting losses, while the stop-limit also aims to protect profit.

Using these orders effectively requires understanding their nuances and the market conditions. A stop-loss order is more about damage control, executed when the trader accepts a certain loss is inevitable. A stop-limit order, while it can prevent slippage, also runs the risk of not executing at all, which can be problematic if the market does not return to the favorable price. Each trader must balance the risk of slippage against the risk of missing a trade when deciding between these two order types.

Crypto Trading Take-Profit Order

A crypto take profit order is a type of trading instruction used by cryptocurrency investors to automatically sell a portion of their holdings when the price reaches a predetermined level, ensuring a profit. This order helps investors lock in gains and manage risk without constantly monitoring the market.

The order remains inactive until the cryptocurrencys market price reaches the target price set by the investor. When this happens, the order is triggered, and the sale is executed at the specified price or better.

This strategy is beneficial in volatile markets where prices fluctuate rapidly, allowing investors to capitalize on favorable price movements and secure profits before any potential downturn.

The post Cryptocurrency Exchanges with Stop Limit and Take Profit appeared first on Cryptocointrade.

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Text source: Cryptocointrade

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