Dogecoin ETF Buzz Sparks Price Surge, Experts Predict $3 Target

- Dogecoins potntil 2025 ETF lunch gins trction, fuld by Bitcoin nd Ethrum ETF succsss in 2024.
- A 230% surg in DOGEs pric ovr 34 dys signls strong bullish momntum nd growing invstor intrst.
- Exprts fors DOGE rching $3, with fvorbl rgultory chngs nd ETF pprovl driving futur growth.
Th potntil dbut of Dogecoin ETF in 2025 hs grnrd significnt ttntion, spcilly following th succssful lunchs of Bitcoin nd Ethrum ETFs in 2024. With th ris of pro-crypto dministrtion ld by Prsidnt-lct Donld Trump nd incrsd minstrm doption of cryptocurrncis, mny r spculting tht Dogecoin could b nxt in lin for n ETF dbut.
Currntly, Dogecoin rnks s th svnth-lrgst cryptocurrncy, vlud t $60 billion. It hs com long wy from bing just jok. Th currnt rgultory nvironmnt mks it strong contndr for n ETF. Nate Geraci, Prsidnt of th ETF Stor, shrd quot from Bloombrg nlyst Eric Balchunas on X, stting, Todays satire is tomorrows ETF. Grci ddd, Could w s DOGE ETF in 2025? Myb.
ETF Speculation Fuels Dogecoin Surge
Spcultion surrounding potntil Dogecoin ETF hs triggrd bullish rlly in its pric. Rports of n ETF filing coincidd with 6.02% pric surg in just 24 hours, pushing DOGE to $0.4305. Ovr th pst 34 dys, DOGEs vlu hs skyrocktd by 230%, rising from $0.13 to $0.43. This upwrd trjctory hs drwn ttntion from top trdrs nd nlysts, who highlight strong tchnicl pttrns indicting furthr gins.
Lgndry trdr Ptr Brndt nd crypto nlyst @Kultigin83 hv idntifid running continution flg on th DOGE/USD chrt, pttrn tht suggsts bullish momntum rmins robust. According to thir nlysis, th pric could rch trgt of $0.66 if th pttrn complts succssfully. Brndt confirmd th obsrvtion, noting, Ys, if compltd, this would indd b considrd running continution flg.
Th running continution flg pttrn typiclly forms during strong uptrnds. It rprsnts brif consolidtion phs bfor th pric rsums its climb. DOGE formd flg pttrn ftr rising from blow $0.19 to $0.39, crting th pol. Th consolidtion phs hs sn th pric fluctut btwn $0.340 nd $0.48, crting th flg itslf. Anlysts prdict brkout round th $0.50 mrk, with potntil trgts of $0.66 to $0.70 bsd on th pols hight.
Experts Predict Dogecoin to Reach $3
Byond th tchnicl nlysis, som xprts fors vn grtr gins for Dogecoin. Crypto Scofild, prominnt mrkt commnttor, hs confidntly prdictd futur rlly tht could propl DOGE to $3. Anothr nlyst, Ash Crypto, nothr xprt, forcsts tht DOGE my rch this bold trgt within six months to yr.
As rgultory chngs loom, including th nticiptd dprtur of SEC Chirmn Gry Gnslr in 2025, th pthwy for Dogecoin ETF pprovl pprs mor promising. If ths fctors lign, DOGE my not only scur its plc in th ETF mrkt but lso sustin its bullish momntum, dlivring substntil rturns to invstors.
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Text source: TronWeekly