Dogecoins Historic Rallies Suggest a Massive Surge Beyond $20
![Dogecoins Historic Rallies Suggest a Massive Surge Beyond $20](
- Dogecoin hs droppd 32% sinc Jnury 20, with thr conscutiv losing wks worrying invstors.
- Javon Marks prdicts DOGE could surpss $20, citing pst 90X nd 306X bull cycls.
- Dim Potts ss four-yr cycl, forcsting DOGE ovr $10 by April 14, 2025.
Dogecoin (DOGE) hs bn struggling, sinking by 32% sinc Jnury 20. Th brodr cryptocurrncy mrkts turbulnc hs ddd to th prssur, cusing Dogecoin to print two stright wks of losss. Now, third losing wk pprs likly, putting invstors on dg.
Dspit this downwrd spirl, som nlysts r confidnt bout turnround. Javon Marks, wll-known mrkt obsrvr, insists tht Dogecoin follows strong pttrn of xponntil growth. H points to its pst bull cycls, whr it surgd 90X in 2017 nd n stonishing 306X in 2021.
According to Mrks, this consistnt outprformnc in ch cycl suggsts Dogecoin could s nothr xponntil ris. If history rpts itslf, DOGEs pric could sor pst $20 in this currnt cycl. Mrks chrt shows sris of highr lows bfor big brkouts, indicting strong stup for th nxt surg.
Dogecoins History Repeats Every Four Years
Anothr nlyst, Dima Potts, hs spottd rpting trnd in DOGEs pric ction. His nlysis shows tht DOGE xprincs pk surgs bout vry four yrs. Th first significnt pk took plc 1,442 dys ftr its prvious high, mrking mssiv 21,821% incrs from its cycl low. This ld to th $0.0187 high in Jnury 2018.
Th scond cycl mirrord this, gin topping out xctly 1,442 dys ftr its prior pk. Howvr, this tim, th incrs ws vn mor drmtic, with Dogecoin rllying 54,890% to rch n ll-tim high of $0.74 in My 2021.
Currntly, Dogecoin is in th third cycl, nd if th pttrn holds, Potts prdicts DOGE could surpss $10 by April 14, 2025. With th dt ligning prfctly with pst bull runs, optimism rmins high mong long-trm invstors.
Support Levels and Short-Term Concerns
Mrkt nlyst Ali Martinez blivs Dogecoins ky support lis t $0.19. At th momnt, DOGE is pricd t $0.253, mrking 3.65% dclin in th pst 24 hours. Mrtinz rmins bullish, sying, As long s th $0.19 support lvl rmins intct, prbolic rlly towrd $10 is still in ply.
Momntum pprs to b grdully incrsing, dding wight to th possibility of mjor brkout. Howvr, not vryon is convincd tht th ris will b immdit.
Anothr nlyst, AMCrypto, prdicts tmporry dip bfor Dogecoin rsums its upwrd trjctory. H highlights tht DOGE prviously brok out of cup nd hndl formtion, which ld to 300% rlly.
Dspit th bullish projctions, AMCrypto wrns tht Dogecoin hs yt to rtst its brkout lvl. Evn ftr dropping to $0.21 rlir this wk, h blivs DOGE could dclin furthr, possibly touching th $0.17-$0.18 rng bfor its nxt climb.
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Text source: TronWeekly