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Ethereum Charts Mirror 2020 PatternAnalysts Eye $10K Breakout Potential

Ethereum Charts Mirror 2020 PatternAnalysts Eye $10K Breakout Potential
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  • Trumps 25% triff on stl nd luminum imports triggrd voltility cross finncil nd crypto mrkts.
  • Bitcoin droppd to $94,000 bfor rbounding pst $97,000, whil Ethereum fluctutd btwn $2,537 nd $2,645.
  • Anlyst Td ss Ethr mirroring its 2020 pttrn, suggsting potntil brkout towrd $10,000.

Th crypto mrkt took hit following mjor nnouncmnt from U.S. Prsidnt Donald Trump. On Fbrury 9, Trump rvld 25% triff on ll stl nd luminum imports, triggring concrns in finncil mrkts. Trump lso confirmd tht th Whit Hous would impos rciprocl triffs on ntions chrging th U.S. xcssiv import fs.

If thy r chrging us 130% nd wr chrging thm nothing, its not going to sty tht wy, h sttd. This sprkd wv of uncrtinty, lding to shrp voltility in multipl sst clsss.

The cryptocurrncy mrkt rctd with stp drop. Bitcoin brifly fll to $94,000 bfor rbounding pst $97,000. Ethereum sw n vn mor notbl fluctution, dipping to $2,537 bfor rcovring to $2,645.

Ethereums Current Price Battle

Ethr is now struggling to brk pst ky rsistnc lvls. Th cryptocurrncy is trding blow $2,700 nd rmins undr th 100-hour Simpl Moving Avrg. On th upsid, th first significnt brrir sits t $2,680, followd by mor stubborn rsistnc nr $2,700.

Source: CoinMarketCap

If it clrs th $2,700 lvl, it could tst th $2,880-$2,920 rng. A succssful brk bov $2,920 might ful climb towrd $3,000, with vn highr trgts t $3,050 or $3,120. Howvr, filur to surpss rsistnc could mn rnwd dclin.

On th downsid, Ethr fcs initil support t $2,525, with mjor sfty nt nr $2,440. A brkdown blow $2,440 might push prics to $2,320, nd furthr losss could snd Ethereum tumbling towrd $2,250 or vn s low s $2,120.

Ethereum Eyes $10K If History Repeats

Dspit th rcnt pric swings, nlysts r noticing fmilir stup. Crypto nlyst Ted highlights similritis btwn th currnt Ethr chrt nd its pric ction during th Mrch 2020 cpitultion vnt. Bck thn, th cryptocurrncy suffrd brutl sll-off bfor skyrockting in vlu.

Tds nlysis points to dscnding wdg formtionjust lik th on obsrvd bfor Ethereums historic rlly. In 2020, th ltcoin plummtd blow $200 bfor stging long-trm surg, vntully surpssing $4,000. If this pttrn rpts, Ethr could b on th vrg of nothr xplosiv run.

Source: Ted

A sid-by-sid comprison of historicl chrts rvls nrly idnticl trnds. Ethereums pric hs bn consolidting within nrrowing rng, much lik it did in 2020 bfor mjor brkout. If history rpts itslf, nlysts bliv Ethereum could b ying trgt of $10,000 in th upcoming cycl.

Crypto Rover, nothr nlyst, is sing signs of strong ccumultion in Ethr mrkts. A rcnt chrt shrd by Rovr highlights rpid incrs in holdings by lrg invstors, commonly rfrrd to s whls. Ths r ntitis holding btwn 10,000 nd 100,000 ETH.

Source: Crypto Rover

Rtil invstors r lso dding to thir Ethereum positions, which suggsts growing confidnc in th ssts long-trm potntil. Typiclly, such ccumultion prcds mjor pric movmnts. Rovr crypticlly commntd on th sitution, sying, W ll know wht this mns, hinting t bullish futur.

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Text source: TronWeekly

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