Official Results: Komodo’s Seventh Annual Notary Node Election

This blog post contains the official results of the election. Newly elected NN operators will begin notarizing in June 30, 2023 (exact date TBC).
Attention Elected Candidates: Please upload your NN pubkey (for dPoW operations) to your NotaryNode GitHub candidacy profiles.
We previously announced the autoelection winners who have automatically become Notary Node Operators for Season 7 based on their outstanding Season 6 performance.
Official results and exact vote counts are also available on
AR Region Winners ??
- gcharang
- decker
- mamara
- batman
- cipi
- dimxy
- tonyl
- chmex
- dragonhound
- smdmitry
- artem.pikulin
EU Region Winners ??
- cipi
- alien
- decker
- mamara
- caglarkaya
- chmex
- dragonhound
- ca333
- alright
- webworker01
- calmapol
NA Region Winners ??
- computergenie
- pbca26
- cipi
- chmex
- ozkanonur
- nodeone
- decker
- dragonhound
- alienx
- webworker01
- who-biz
SH Region Winners ??
- gcharang
- ptyx
- alien
- chmex
- sheeba
- phm87
- pbca26
- shamardy
- chmex2
- mcrypt
- kmdude
Read more:
Text source: Komodo Platform Blog | En