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Overview of FXOpen’s Best-performing July 2021 PAMM Accounts

Overview of FXOpen’s Best-performing July 2021 PAMM Accounts
© Copyright Image: Forex Trading Blog

Summer has entered its final days, but that doesn’t prevent PAMM managers from trading and delighting their investors with fresh positive results. FXOpen presents yet another forecast based on the results of trading on our platform, focusing on the most reliable and profitable accounts.

As of August 1, 2021, FXOpen has 154 active accounts, with  $2’902’057.00 of subscriber funds invested, according to Investflow statistics.

Another important update: FXOpen is holding a Money Managers contest for PAMM masters! You have until August 16, 2020, to register, test your managing skills, and win a monetary prize out of the $10,000 prize fund.

And now, on to the top 10 PAMM accounts that demonstrated the most promising results in July 2021.

FXOpen’s TOP-10 July 2021 PAMM accounts


The provider opened a PAMM ECN account back in October 2019 and has been trading steadily ever since. This summer, the drawdown on their account did not exceed 3.68%, and the yield in July was +4.31%. The trader started trading more cautiously, so they can be described as a moderate provider with an average level of profitability. In their trading, they only use the #NDXm instrument. In total, they’ve made 23 deals, which indicates that this trader prefers long-term trading. At the time of writing this review, there is no floating drawdown. You can join this provider for just $1.


This account was activated in March 2020. Their trading is stable and demonstrates no deep drawdowns. Profit dynamics are positive and long-term. The maximum drawdown on the account has yet to exceed 9.76%, with July’s maximum reaching 6.96%. At the moment, there is a small drawdown of 2.76%. In July, the trading was carried out mainly on GBPUSD and several cross currencies. July’s return was 3.84%. You can join the provider with $100.


Yet another FXOpen regular, notable for being successful in 77% of their trades. They opened their account in December 2019 and started trading in August 2020. The maximum account drawdown for the entire time is yet to exceed 17.15%. Since the start of the year, the maximum drawdown was 10.14%, while the deposit load in July did not exceed 5.03%. The July return was 3.81%. This trader prefers such cross-pairs as AUDCAD, NZDCAD, AUDNZD. You can join the account with $200; the penalty for early withdrawal is 5%.


This PAMM manager’s account was registered in August 2020 and will soon celebrate its one-year anniversary — one year of successful and profitable trading. Since the beginning of the year, their profit level has neared 130%, and we hope this upwards trend will continue. In July, the profit was +3.92%. It is likely that this trader has slightly curbed the risks. The maximum drawdown of the deposit for the last month did not exceed 5.57%. The main trading pair is EURUSD. At the time of writing this review, there is no floating drawdown. The provider’s standard offer for joining is $500, with a 10% penalty for early withdrawal.


This quite conservative manager has been showing stable trading for over a year now, characterized by minimal drawdowns and deposit loading. The maximum drawdown for the entire period has only reached 9.02%. In July, the deposit loading did not exceed 0.96%, and the maximum drawdown for the last month was only 0.24%. The main trading pairs are GBPUSD and EURUSD. You can join the offer with $100, and no penalty is set for early withdrawal.


This PAMM manager has been trading with FXOpen since October 2020, so the account’s first birthday is approaching fast. The trader has been demonstrating positive and promising results. In July, they earned 25.90%, and made more than 150% of profit since the beginning of the year. Their daily equity analysis shows that the provider prefers long-term trading, since their deals are always open, with the maximum drawdown serving as proof that the trades are profitable in most cases. In July, the maximum drawdown on this PAMM master’s account did not exceed 8.08%. At the time of writing this review, there is no drawdown.


A new PAMM manager of fewer than six months on the FXOpen platform. Their trading is stable, and the drawdown during the entire time has yet to exceed 19.78%. The profitability of the account is rather impressive. In July, it amounted to 9% with the maximum drawdown and maximum deposit load of 14.70% and 18.9%, respectively. This trader prefers short positions and only deals with XAUUSD metal. At the time of writing this review, there is no drawdown on the account.


The account was registered relatively recently. This provider draws attention to themselves thanks to showing a stable profit with average drawdowns. For the entire period of operation, the maximum drawdown is yet to exceed 28%. In July, 9.34% was earned, and the maximum drawdown was no more than 1.5%. The provider trades most often in NZDCAD, AUDNZD, AUDCAD pairs. You can join the manager with just $1, but, judging by the graph, their preferred strategy is to use an averaging EA.


This young PAMM account is just six months old, but we have already noticed their confident trading style and the ability to get out of difficult situations. In July, they earned +8.24% with a low maximum drawdown of only 7%. At the time of writing the review, there is no drawdown, and the deposit load is minimal at just over 3%. Unfortunately, the trader’s stats are unavailable for viewing, but judging by the fact that only 8 transactions have been opened throughout the entire time of the account’s existence, the trader prefers long-term investing. You can join the provider for just $1.


This profitable manager has been trading steadily with short-term fluctuations for over a year. At the beginning of the year, a rather deep drawdown of 24% was observed, but the trader was able to level the account and get out of the minus zone. Since the beginning of the year, the yield on the account has reached 28%, and in July the provider earned +15.29% with a maximum drawdown of not more than 8%. At the time of this writing, there is no drawdown, and all trades are closed. You can join the provider with at least $100.

Now you are all caught up on FXOpen’s rating of 10 best-performing PAMM providers who are most likely to trade profitably this summer. We wish everyone the best of luck with their investments.

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Text source: Forex Trading Blog

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