Overview of FXOpen's Best-performing PAMM Accounts of September 2022

Autumn has fully come into its own, but despite the onset of cold weather, the activity of PAMM providers is not decreasing — and it is important to carefully select accounts for one's investment portfolio. The currency and commodity markets are storming in a crisis, so now they can be characterized as highly active and prone to chaos. This review of PAMM-accounts of providers that have proven themselves well in September can help an investor make up their mind.
As of October 1, 2022, 138 active accounts have been opened on the FXOpen platform with 1,670,902.00 USD of subscribers’ funds invested, according to Investflow monitoring statistics.
FXOpen’s TOP-10 September 2022 PAMM Accounts
One of the long-lived PAMM accounts that has been operating on the FXOpen platform since 2014. In 2022, they have been trading with almost no drawdowns. But one should pay attention that trading on the account is carried out with the help of an EA and most likely with averaging. But the term of work is captivating. Almost 30% of the profit has been earned since the beginning of the year. +4.58% earned in September. The yield is conservative, but given the instability in the financial markets, we can say that the trader has developed an optimal trading strategy. At the time of writing this review, there is no drawdown on the account. One can join the manager for 1000 USD or more.
A successful trader since 2019, this provider started 2022 successfully, but in September, allowed a moderate drawdown of -16.66%; in early October, the trader almost rehabilitated themself and got out of the red. This account is worth watching. It would be possible to join when the floating drawdown comes to naught. At the moment, the working drawdown is hovering around 7%. Loading deposit as at October 4 is 1.43%. In the last month, trading was carried out mainly with trading pairs GBPCHF, EURCHF, and GBPUSD. One can join this trader from just $100; there is no penalty for early withdrawal.
Pandorum has been trading with FXOpen since June 2020. The maximum drawdown is still at the level of 28.52%. 2022 is a very successful year for the manager, there are no negative months. In September, 14.27% was earned with a maximum drawdown of 1.54% and a deposit load of 32.85%. As of October, all transactions were closed, there is no floating drawdown observed. The trader still prefers the AUDCAD, NZDCAD, and AUDNZD currency pairs for trading. One can join the offer with an amount of 1 USD. The investor earns 65% of the profit. There is no penalty for early investor exit.
PierstageCapitl launched their account on 11/28/2019. They trade very conservatively, without loading the deposit. The maximum drawdown is only 8.20% with a maximum deposit load of 4.70%. It shows excellent trading results — since the beginning of the year, all months are in positive territory, earnings amounted to more than 60%. In September, the income on the account amounted to +4.69%. There is no drawdown on the account. Major currency pairs: GBPUSD, AUDCAD, AUDNZD, EURCAD. The account is suitable for large investors, since one can join for 10,000 USD or more.
AcHotECN is a new FXOpen PAMM provider, and already, their results are interesting. The account was opened in May 2022. The results since the beginning of the year are excellent with more than 140% profit. In September, +33.89% was earned with a deposit load of 22.16%. The maximum drawdown since the beginning of the account opening is still at the level of 9.70%. 81% of all open trades are profitable. Main trading pairs: EURUSD, AUDCAD, NZDCAD, AUDNZD. The amount with which it is possible to join the manager is only 1 USD. The investor's percentage is 70% of the profit. But pay attention to a floating drawdown in October. There is no penalty for early withdrawal.
VESBOLTSemiHFT has been trading since 05/19/2021 and can be considered a stable manager with conservative trading. More than 50% has been earned since the beginning of the year. In September, they traded 5.37% profit with a maximum drawdown since the beginning of the year of only 3.38%, that is, the risks of trading are quite low. The manager trades with the following instruments: EURAUD, CADCHF, GBPCAD, EURCAD. One can join a PAMM account from 1000 USD. There is no penalty for early withdrawal.
The invariably conservative PAMM provider has been trading on the FXOpen platform for over 5 years. The maximum drawdown on the account is 15.06%. The provider is not very successful this year, there were months of small drawdowns, but they are almost blocked. In September, 1.54% was earned. In October there is a small floating drawdown of 5%. The minimum deposit to join is 10 USD.
The account of this PAMM provider was launched in August 2021. The manager is a high-risk trader, but has been trading more cautiously lately. Since the beginning of 2022, he has already earned more than 120% of the profit. In September, this trader brought 17.87% to the piggy bank. The maximum drawdown in September reached 16%, the deposit load 8.15%. 92% of all trades are profitable. In September, trading was carried out with EURUSD and NZDUSD trading pairs. At the beginning of October, there is no floating drawdown on the account. One can join this PAMM account for at least 50 USD. There is no penalty for early withdrawal.
A new manager on the FXOpen site, but already showing positive trading prospects, since the maximum account drawdown is only 5.33%. In September, 5.13% was earned with a deposit load of 4.12% and a maximum monthly drawdown of 5.33%. Trades mainly in cross-pairs, 86% of trades are profitable. At the beginning of October, there is no floating drawdown on the account. One can join a PAMM account for a minimum of 1000 USD. There is no penalty for early withdrawal.
The account of this conservative manager is already familiar to many; trading has been conducted since February 2020. Trade statistics are positive not for the first year. The maximum drawdown on the account is only 14.50%, and the manager continues to hold the bar. In September, they traded just for a little while, the result: +1.52%. In October, the account shows prospects, although there is a small working drawdown. The maximum drawdown in September did not exceed 2.64%. The main trading pairs in September are AUDUSD, GBPUSD, and EURUSD. One can join the offer for at least 100 USD.
The above were the top 10 PAMM providers from the FXOpen rating who have every chance to show profitable trading as 2022 comes to an end. We wish you the best of luck with your investments!
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Read more: https://fxopen.com/blog/en/overview-of-fxopens-best-performing-pamm-accounts-of-september-2022/
Text source: Forex Trading Blog