Owning 1 Bitcoin Is Better Than Being a Millionaire

Let me be honestbecoming a wholecoiner is one of the smartest moves you can make, but its also becoming ridiculously hard. I remember when I first got into bitcoin back in 2016. The price was around $400-$500, and owning one full bitcoin felt totally doable.
Now? Its a completely different story.
Bitcoin is sitting near $100,000, and owning even half a bitcoin feels out of reach for most people. Lets put this into perspective: the average savings for someone under 35 in the U.S. is just $20,540. Thats not even 25% of what it costs to buy 1 BTC today. Most of these millennials and zoomers can only dream of ever owning a whole bitcoinits just not realistic for the average person anymore.
And heres the part that really blows my mind: there are only about 1 million bitcoin addresses that hold more than 1 BTC. Even if we assume every single one of those addresses belongs to a different person (which isnt true), thats just 0.0125% of the global population. Think about itbeing a wholecoiner already puts you in one of the most exclusive clubs in the world.
Now, lets compare that to fiat millionaires. There are about 58 million millionaires worldwide. And heres the kicker: there are only 21 million bitcoin in total. Even if every single millionaire on the planet wanted to own one bitcoin, they couldnt. Theres just not enough bitcoin to go around. Thats why being a wholecoiner is better than being a fiat millionaire. Fiat is infiniteanyone can become a millionaire in a system where money is endlessly printed. But bitcoin? Its hard-capped. Scarce.
If youre a millionaire and you dont own at least 1 bitcoin yet, wake up. The race is on, and most millionaires are going to miss out. And if youre already a wholecoiner? Congratulations. Youre part of the 0.0125% who will ever own this much bitcoin.
It might not feel like a big deal now, but in 20 or 30 years, youll look back and realize how rare and special it is. As Tuur Demeester said: These are the last months that 1 BTC is accessible to the upper middle class. That quote stuck with me because its true. The window is closing.
If youre in the race, dont stop. And if youre on the sidelines, its time to get movingbecause bitcoins scarcity is going to leave a lot of people behind.
This article is a Take. Opinions expressed are entirely the author's and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Magazine.
Read more: https://bitcoinmagazine.com/takes/owning-1-bitcoin-is-better-than-being-a-millionaire-
Text source: Bitcoin Magazine: Bitcoin News, Articles, Charts,