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SEC Crypto Task Force to Host First Roundtable on Digital Asset Regulations

SEC Crypto Task Force to Host First Roundtable on Digital Asset Regulations
© Copyright Image: TronWeekly

  • The SECs crypto task force will hold its first roundtable on March 21 in Washington.
  • Acting SEC Chair Mark Uyeda aims to establish a comprehensive regulatory framework for digital assets.
  • The SEC dropped cases against Kraken and Yuga Labs, signaling a shift in enforcement strategy.

Th U.S. Scuritis nd Exchng Commissions crypto Task Force will host its first roundtbl on Mrch 21 t its hdqurtrs in Wshington, D.C. Th vnt, titld How We Got Here and How We Get Out Defining Security Status, is prt of brodr inititiv clld Spring Sprint Toward Crypto Clarity. Th discussion ims to ddrss th rgultory stnc on digital assets s prt of n ongoing sris of mtings.

Source: SEC.Gov

This nnouncmnt was in line with th gncys Mrch 3 rvl of th Task Forces stffing linup, which includs formr big lw crypto ttorny Michael Selig s chif counsl. Slig, formrly prtnr t Willki Frr & Gllghr, brings xprinc in dvising crypto, NFT, nd stblcoin firms. His rol is xpctd to shp th SECs volving stnc on digital assets.

Acting SEC Chir Mrk Uyda, who formd th Task Force in lt Jnury, ims to stblish comprhnsiv rgultory frmwork for th crypto sctor. His ldrship follows mjor shift in pproch comprd to th prvious dministrtion, which took strictr stnc on nforcmnt.

SEC Reverses Course on Crypto Lawsuits

Undr Gnslrs ldrship, th gncy hd tkn hrd stnc, pushing firms to rgistr nd dclring most digitl currncis s scuritis. Lwsuits pild up, with th SEC going ftr mjor plyrs in th industry.

Howvr, sinc Uyd stppd in, th gncy hs bndond numrous litigtion fforts. Th ltst ws its Mrch 3 withdrwl of lwsuit ginst mjor xchng Krkn. Th SEC lso droppd its cs ginst Yug Lbs, mrking significnt pivot in nforcmnt.

Additionlly, th SEC rcntly dclrd tht mmcoins do not fll undr scuritis lws, offring rlif to sctor of th mrkt tht hd long frd rgultory crckdowns. This policy shift suggsts growing willingnss to r-vlut cryptos plc in th finncil systm rthr thn pursu ggrssiv lgl ction.

Hester Peirce Pushes for Public Involvement

Hester Peirce, who lds th SECs Task Force, hs mphsizd th importnc of public nggmnt in shping rgultory policis. I am looking forward to drawing on the expertise of the public in developing a workable regulatory framework for crypto, sh sttd. 

Pircs pst counsl, Sumeera Younis, will srv s th Task Forces oprtions chif, whil Richard Gabbert, nothr formr Peirce dvisr, hs tkn th rol of chif of stff. Taylor Ashr, formr policy dvisr to Uyeda, ws nmd chif policy dvisr. Ths ppointmnts suggst tm dply fmilir with both crypto dvoccy nd rgultory intriccis.

Formr CFTC Chir Chris Giancarlo, widly known s Crypto Dad, congrtultd Slig on socil mdi, clling him protégé nd xprssing xcitmnt for his nw rol. His ndorsmnt signls strong industry support for th SECs ltst movs.

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Text source: TronWeekly

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