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Shibarium Surpasses 2 Million Wallets, Solidifying Its Blockchain Dominance

Shibarium Surpasses 2 Million Wallets, Solidifying Its Blockchain Dominance
© Copyright Image: TronWeekly

  • Shibarium surpssd 600 million trnsctions nd 2 million wallets, mrking significnt milstons in ntwork doption.
  • Shib Inus community clbrtd Shibariums 2 million wallets milston, rflcting th growing intrst in its cosystm.
  • Shibariums totl vlu lockd (TVL) hit $10.4 million on Dcmbr 5, with K9 Finnc DAO lding contributions.

Shibarium, th Lyr-2 blockchain tid to Shib Inu, hs chivd rmrkbl growth, solidifying its position s mjor plyr in th crypto spc. Rcnt dt from Shibariumscn rvld tht th ntwork xcdd 600 million trnsctions nd surpssd 2 million wallets, two significnt milstons tht highlight its incrsing doption.

Th pst month hs sn usr ctivity on Shibarium grow t n xtrordinry pc. Crypto nthusists hv bn drwn to its cosystm, xploring vrity of dcntrlizd finnc (DFi) protocols. This surg in ctivity culmintd in milston of ovr 2 million wallets intrcting with th blockchin, ft officilly rchd ystrdy. Shib Inus community took to X to clbrt this chivmnt, with ccounts lik Shibarium Updts commnding th communitys ddiction nd strngth.

Shibariums Network Activity Skyrockets

As of now, th ntwork bosts 2,002,531 wallets, tstmnt to its growing populrity. Trnsctions on th blockchin hv lso crossd th imprssiv 600 million mrk, stnding t 618,197,123 s of th ltst updt. This growth hs bn prticulrly notbl ovr th pst month, whr trnsction volums xprincd shrp incrs.

On Novmbr 5, th trnsction count on Shibarium ws rcordd t 465.2 million. Fst forwrd to tody, th numbr hs surgd by 32.69%, rching 617.3 million. Th ntwork procsss n vrg of 4.735 million trnsctions dily, undrscoring its high ctivity lvls nd consistnt dmnd from usrs.

Record TVL and Rising Network Demand

Th ntwork hs lso witnssd growth in its totl vlu lockd (TVL), which hit n ll-tim high of $10.4 million on Dcmbr 5. Among th contributors to this milston, K9 Finnc DAO lds with $4.49 million in TVL, followd by ShibSwp t $3.97 million, WoofSwp t $1.16 million, nd ChwySwp t $610,279.

Usr ccounts on th ntwork incrsd by 14.52% in just on month, rising from 184,194 to 210,953. This xpnsion rflcts significnt uptick in intrst nd prticiption. Mnwhil, Shibariums totl gs usg msur of ntwork dmndhs lso sord. From Novmbr 7 to tody, it incrsd from 13.56 trillion to 18.52 trillion, mrking shrp ris in ctivity within short priod.

Th rcnt milstons undrlin Shibariums growing significnc in th blockchin world. From brking rcords in trnsction volums nd wllt numbrs to hitting n ATH in TVL, th ntwork continus to thriv. Its succss is tstmnt to th pssiont community nd robust cosystm tht supports its growth.

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Text source: TronWeekly

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