Solana and XRP Futures Launching Soon on CME Exchange

- CME plns Solana nd XRP futurs lunch by Fbrury 10, with rgultory pprovl pnding.
- Solana futurs will offr 500 SOL contrcts, whil XRP futurs includ 50,000 XRP contrcts.
- Anlysts prdict XRP my hit $16 nd SOL $4,700 ftr ETF pprovls this yr.
Futurs trding for Solana nd XRP is gring up to go liv on th Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) strting Fbrury 10, pnding rgultory pprovl. This dvlopmnt cm to light through stging subdomin of CME Groups wbsit, sprking widsprd nticiption cross th crypto community.
Th subdomin dtild th lunch of both stndrd nd micro-sizd futurs contrcts for ths lding cryptocurrncis. Trdrs will b bl to scl xposur nd mng risk with nhncd flxibility nd prcision.
James Syffrt, Bloombrg ETF nlyst, shrd his thoughts on th dvlopmnt, noting, Assuming bt.cmgroup is ctully bt/tst vrsion of th ctul CMEGroup wbsit looks lik CME is xpcting to lunch SOL & XRP futurs on Fb 10. But this isnt vilbl on th ctul wbsit yt.
Solana and XRP Futures Details
According to CMEs product pg, th futurs will b finncilly sttld monthly nd offr block nd Bsis Trd t Indx Clos (BTIC) functionlity. Solana Futurs, mrkd with th tickr SOL, will com with 500 SOL contrct siz, whil th Micro SOL Futurs, using th tickr MSL, will hv smllr 25 SOL contrct siz.
For XRP, th stndrd futurs will ftur th tickr XRP with hfty 50,000 XRP contrct siz. Mnwhil, Micro XRP Futurs, lbld MXP, will ctr to smllr trdrs with 2,500 XRP contrct siz. Ths offrings lign with growing mrkt sntimnt tht th U.S. SEC is likly to pprov ETFs for SOL nd XRP within th yr.
Fox Businss journlist Elnor Trrtt hintd tht CMEs plns might pv th wy for mor XRP nd Solana-rltd ETF products. Adding to th optimism, JPMorgn nlysts rcntly projctd tht pprovd ETFs for ths ssts could ttrct s much s $13.6 billion in invstmnts within six to twlv months.
Solana and XRP Price Outlook
Following th nws, both XRP nd Solana prics sw brif spik but subsquntly droppd, rflcting th brodr mrkt downturn. Solana fll 4.10% to $247, whil XRP dclind 2.66% to $3.09, ccording to TrdingViw dt. Dspit this dip, nlysts rmin optimistic bout th long-trm potntil of both ssts.
Prominnt nlyst Ali Mrtinz hs highlightd bullish chrt for Solana, pointing to roundd bottom pttrn tht indicts potntil pric brkout. Th chrt suggsts consolidtion bov $220, with trgt s high s $4,700 if SOL ETF lunchs by Mrch.
Mnwhil, XRP nthusists prdict similr surg in prics. Som suggst n ETF lunch could push it to $5, brking its prvious ll-tim high of $3.84 st in 2018. Populr nlyst ThCrypticWolf blivs th cryptocurrncy could trgt prics btwn $10 nd $16 in this cycl, whil CrdiBULL Crypto spcults longr-trm high of $20 pr tokn.
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Text source: TronWeekly