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Steph Curry Goes on Crazy NFT Buying Spree


  • Curry goes on NFT buying spree
  • Has picked up dozens of NFT’s just today
  • Picks up very rare Bored Ape
  • Picks up several new NFT’s, ‘FUD Monsters’
  • Bored Ape volume going ape hitting $80 million

In the word’s of Mark Twain: “Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.” The same can be said for NFT’s. Another legend is now aping into them, in this case, literally aping. Today, Steph Curry dropped $180,000 (or 55 ETH) on a Bored Ape. So…that’s it? So what? Well, what this does the crypto space, if not obvious, should be obvious. When someone spends $180,000 on an NFT on Open Sea, (like Steph did), that means they had to spend Ethereum for gas, which means they know about Ethereum, which means they are already using crypto. When someone spends $180,000 on an NFT it is highly unlikely they will stop there, because it is highly unlikely people start there.

But NFT’s may be the new ‘red-pill’ that get people into crypto. It may be initiation ritual, as it is more akin to the ‘normal’ aspect of buying and selling things. Look, bored apes, for example, are going for nearly 5x more than a whole Bitcoin in many cases….think about that. They are so, so rare, (only 10,000) and published to the Eth blockchain forever, which makes them unique in their own right–maybe the thesis for someone like Steph is that NFT’s actually will become some sort of a storer-of-value. After all, now this NFT is, and if sold, was–officially held by Steph Curry.

By looking at Curry’s address on Etherscan, you can see he bought the ETH on FTX 13 hours ago, and then picked up the Bored Ape on Open Sea right after. Not only that, he’s buying going on a crazy NFT buying spree, racking up over 73, and a lot of them within the last 12 hours. It looks like Steph is particularly interested in a newer series called ‘FUD Monsters.’ Steph purchased 7 of these NFT’s in the last 2 hours.

You can be sure the floor on those NFT’s is about go much, much higher. You can find some of these zombies for <$50. That will change drastically in the next few days. Steph’s Bored Ape seems to be his favorite, though, as it is Twitter profile pic and has some very rare features including zombie eyes and wearing a tweed suit. The last two are particularly rare–only 3% of apes having zombie eyes and 1% of apes wearing tweed suits.

The Bored Apes even have an “update” coming, something that makes the experience even more fun. Apparently, “all bored ape holders will be receiving a “Mutant Serum” per ape. It’s not clear what the serum will do but one possibility is that it could turn a current bored ape into a bored mutant ape.” Bored Apes have been going banana’s in the last month, their floor price is just over $81,000….like cryptopunks, they are the rolexes of the metaverse. 

Following Art Blocks and Crypto Punks, they are the most traded NFT by volume at $80 million, and it is only increasing since Curry’s purchase. The other cool thing about the Bored Apes, is that they actually donate some of the proceeds to animal charity, already $850,000 so far. So, who knows what next? Does the 3 time NBA champ splurge on Bitcoin? Clearly, everyone is getting in crypto, and NFT’s are a great vector, or ‘red-pill’ to do so. Who would have thought people getting into crypto would have this chronology: first NFT’s then Bitcoin? No one saw that coming. To sum it up, if you think NFT’s are ‘a joke’, then you would also have to conclude the internet is ‘a joke’ too. Kind of like Paul Krugman did in 1998. Don’t be Paul Krugman.

The post Steph Curry Goes on Crazy NFT Buying Spree appeared first on CryptosRus.

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