Sushi (SUSHI) Shuts Down Kashi and MISO Platforms

SushiSwap announced its plans to shut down two of its product offerings, Kashi lending and MISO launchpad, as part of a larger revamp of the protocol. This comes as part of a larger restructuring which includes plans to redesign the protocol’s tokenomics and redirect fees to the treasury instead of token holders. We made the decision to deprecate Kashi (Sushi Lending) and Miso (Sushi Launch Pad). In the above thread, Matthew Lilley, the CTO of SushiSwap, highlights a lack of resources and poor design as the cause for abandoning these projects. Kashi was introduced as a decentralized lending platform, whereas MISO was introduced as a bootstrapping platform for young DeFi projects. Both products failed to generate any significant demand and remained largely unprofitable endeavors. While Kashi and MISO will continue to work due to their decentralized nature, the Sushi team will stop dedicating resources towards their maintenance and further development. They want to focus on developing their most profitable product, the DEX. Second, concentrated liquidity needed prioritisation to bring us to feature parity with the AMM sector. V2 was running out of steam. Concentrated liquidity is difficult but we're almost at the finish line and plan to release it firmly in 2023 Q1. As widely reported, Sushi’s runway will last for 18 months. The team’s emphasis is now on prioritization as it looks to improve its most profitable products. The focus for 2023 is to launch the successor of its DEX, SushiSwap, in Q1 with improved efficiency for its liquidity providers via a concentrated liquidity mechanism. There are also plans to launch a multi-asset Balancer-style pool to offer better execution prices for various pools. SushiSwap is still one of the largest decentralized exchanges in DeFi. Its calculated restructuring will instill some confidence in the protocol’s believers.
1. Kashi for a number of reasons, had a number of design flaws, ran at a loss, and had a lack of resources to dedicate to it.
2. MISO, had a lack of resources.
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