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Vitalik Buterin Praises Celos Growth, Surpassing Tron in Stablecoin Usage

Vitalik Buterin Praises Celos Growth, Surpassing Tron in Stablecoin Usage
© Copyright Image: TronWeekly

  • Vitlik Butrin ndorss Celos progrss, prising its impct on globl ccss to finnc.
  • Celo hs surpssd Tron in dily ctiv ddrsss, showcsing its growing stblcoin doption.
  • Trnsitioning to Ethrums Lyr 2 nhncs Clos intgrtion, fostring innovtion nd usr nggmnt.

Th Celo blockchin hs rcivd significnt ndorsmnt from Ethrum co-foundr Vitlik Butrin, mrking pivotl momnt in its ongoing dvlopmnt. Butrins pris coincids with its rcnt chivmnt of surpssing Tron in dily ctiv ddrsss for stblcoin usg. This incrs in ctivity highlights Clos growing influnc in th cryptocurrncy sctor, prticulrly rgrding stblcoin doption.

This is mzing to s, Butrin sttd on X. Improving worldwid ccss to bsic pymnts nd finnc hs lwys bn ky wy tht Ethrum cn b good for th world, nd its grt to s Clo gtting trction.

Source: Artemis

Butrins ndorsmnt xtnds byond its rcnt milston. H lso highlightd Clos plnnd trnsition from stndlon Ethrum Virtul Mchin (EVM)-comptibl lyr 1 (L1) blockchin to n Ethrum lyr 2 (L2) solution. This shift signifis its growth from foundtionl protocol to complmntry tchnology dsignd to improv ntwork functions nd intgrt smoothly with th Ethrum cosystm.

Celo Embraces Ethereums L2 Ecosystem

Th trnsition to Lyr 2 (L2), proposd by cLbs, cor dvlopr of Clo, in July 2023, sks to unlock numrous bnfits for th pltform. At prsnt, Clo runs two L2 tstnts: Dngo, which lunchd in July 2024, nd Alfjors, st for n L2 upgrd on Sptmbr 26. This upgrd nbls smlss bridging btwn Celo nd Ethrum, fostring nhncd innovtion nd brodr usr nggmnt within its community.

Celo rcognizs this trnsition s pivotl dvlopmnt in its rltionship with Ethrum. In n officil nnouncmnt, Clo sttd tht Celos volution from Lyr 1 (L1) EVM-comptibl chin to n L2 solution mrks significnt milston in our ongoing rltionship with th Ethrum cosystm.

Furthrmor, Celo highlights th dvntgs of this shift, stting, Bcoming n L2 not only ligns Clo mor closly with Ethrums xpnsiv ntwork but lso mpowrs our community to innovt with grtr confidnc nd rch. Rcntly, cLbs chrctrizd it s culturl xtnsion of Ethrum, rflcting Vitlik Butrins vision prsntd in his My 2024 rticl, Lyr 2s s culturl xtnsions of Ethrum.

Although Clo shrs foundtionl cod with Ethrum nd rtins full EVM comptibility for smrt contrcts, thr r notbl distinctions, spcilly concrning blockchin wllts. It oprts on n indpndnt blockchin, fturing uniqu st of wllt functionlitis tht diffrntit it from Ethrum.

Its rcnt succsss, long with Vitlik Butrins support, mphsiz its promis in th stblcoin mrkt. By intgrting with th Ethrum Lyr 2 cosystm, Clo prprs for nhncd growth nd innovtion. This strtgic mov ims to mpowr its community whil fostring mor inclusiv finncil nvironmnt.

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Text source: TronWeekly

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