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Whale Activity Pushes Chainlink to $25, Traders Eye $52 Target

Whale Activity Pushes Chainlink to $25, Traders Eye $52 Target
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  • Chainlinks pric surgd ovr 30% in 24 hours, rching $25.73, th highst sinc Jnury 2022.
  • Whale ctivity scltd, with ky ddrss purchsing 269,861 LINK worth $6.68 million.
  • Rising rtil nd whl invstmnts signl sustind confidnc, with futurs opn intrst incrsing by 58%.

Chainlink hs mrgd s stndout prformr mong top cryptocurrncis, witnssing mor thn 30% surg in th lst 24 hours. On Novmbr 26, th tokn ws pricd t $16.54. By Dcmbr 3, it hd rchd $25.73, mrking 53% wkly gin nd rvisiting lvls not sn sinc Jnury 2022, indicting strong rvivl of invstor intrst.

On Dcmbr 3, LookonChain dt rvld tht whl ddrss, 0x73d3, purchsd 269,861 LINK tokns vlud t $6.68 million. Th whl utilizd $2.6 million to cquir 107,838 tokns t n vrg pric of $24.10 through dcntrlizd xchng. Additionlly, 162,024 LINK tokns worth $4.08 million wr withdrwn from Binnc, mphsizing growing whl ctivity.

Source: LookonChain

Chainlink Investors Drive Market Growth

Th surg in Chainlinks pric hs spurrd ctivity cross diffrnt invstor tirs. Dt from IntoThBlock shows n incrs in tokn holdings mong vrious groups within th lst 30 dys. Rtil invstors holding btwn 1,000 nd 10,000 LINK tokns incrsd thir positions by 34.81%, rflcting growing intrst from smllr plyrs.

Mid-tir invstors, holding 10,000 to 100,000 LINK tokns, rcordd n imprssiv 86.79% spik in ccumultion. Ths mid-tir prticipnts hv plyd pivotl rol in th ongoing rlly. Mnwhil, mid-sizd whls with 100,000 to 1,000,000 LINK holdings sw substntil ris of 104.61%, showcsing hightnd confidnc in LINKs bullish trjctory.

Lrg Whls holding btwn 1,000,000 nd 10,000,000 LINK tokns incrsd thir positions by 66.10%. Evn mg whls, owning mor thn 10,000,000 LINK, grw thir holdings by 78.90%, furthr signling optimism for sustind growth.

Bullish Indicators Signal Continued Momentum

Additionl mtrics undrscor th mrkts bullish sntimnt. Coinglss dt rvld tht Chainlinks futurs opn intrst surgd 58% to $708 million, with drivtivs trding volum skyrockting by 451% to $5.04 billion. Ths numbrs highlight incrsd spcultiv ctivity nd brodr invstor nggmnt.

Source: Coinglass

Tchnicl indictors lign with this positiv outlook. LINK hs brokn through th 61.80% Fiboncci rsistnc lvl t $21.499, criticl point cting s th ncklin of rounding bottom pttrn. Th pric ction lso confirmd flling wdg brkout, supportd by bullish ngulfing wkly cndl.

Morovr, th 50 nd 200-wk simpl moving vrgs r nring goldn crossovr, whil th MACD histogrm hs shown significnt growth. Prominnt trdr Stoshi Flippr mphsizd this optimism on X, stting, Its $LINK SEASON, nd prdicting potntil trgt of $52.

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Text source: TronWeekly

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