Whale Buys $1,015,728 Worth of SHIB: Reveals WhaleStats

- A whale has purchased a total of 86,740,251,500 SHIB coins.
- This particular whale is known to often buy SHIB only to sell it off a little later.
- The meme coin currently hovers at a price of $0.00001164.
Data tracker WhaleStats platform has announced that a massive amount of Shiba Inu (SHIB) has been added by a major ETH investor to his pockets. WhaleStats platform monitors data related to the largest 100 wallets on Ethereum, BSC and other major chains.
Through a Twitter post, the data platform has stated that the owner of the wallet “BlueWhale0073” purchased a total of 86,740,251,500 SHIB coins. This would amount to $1,015,728.
ETH whale “BlueWhale0073” just bought 86,740,251,500 $shib ($1,015,728 USD).
Read more: https://coinquora.com/whale-buys-1015728-worth-of-shib-reveals-whalestats/
Text source: News – CoinQuora – Latest Cryptocurrency and Block