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Why Is the Success Rate in Trading Usually Low?

In the trading domain, particularly in the fast-moving crypto markets, the desire to make a quick buck frequently attracts inexperienced traders. Chart patterns offer predictability and insight and are a commonly used tool to trade in the markets. Still, the success rate in trading continues to be low. In this blog, we will examine some of the reasons behind the failure of numerous traders.

The Illusion of Predictability

Chart patterns are visual depictions of past price movements that traders utilize to forecast future price behaviour. Some examples of these patterns are head and shoulders, triangles, and double tops/bottoms, among others. The basic concept is that specific patterns can indicate upcoming price changes, providing traders with a roadmap to success.

However, the reliability of chart patterns is frequently deceptive. Factors like regulatory news, technological advances, and macroeconomic changes can impact the crypto market, sometimes overshadowing chart patterns. In contrast to traditional stock markets, the crypto markets are still new and very sensitive to sudden changes and unforeseen events, which makes predicting outcomes quite challenging.

Common Chart Pattern Failures

Despite appearing effective, chart patterns are not always reliable ( Although they are a very effective tool). Failures are common because:

Misleading Breakouts: Breaking out of a pattern may appear promising, but it could result in a reversal, causing traders to get stuck in unprofitable trades. False breakouts are common in all financial markets.

Overfitting: It occurs when traders interpret patterns that are not present, which is a phenomenon known as overfitting. This may result in inaccurate forecasts stemming from patterns lacking statistical relevance.

Lagging Indicators: Many chart patterns rely on lagging indicators, reflecting previous price changes rather than predicting upcoming ones.

Psychological Traps in Trading

Trading involves both psychological and technical aspects. The human brain is naturally inclined to look for patterns and anticipate outcomes, exposing traders to various psychological pitfalls.

Confirmation bias: Traders tend to seek out information that supports their current beliefs, causing them to disregard any indicators that go against their forecasts.

Overconfidence: Success in a small number of trades may lead traders to increase their risk exposure without a strong strategy.

Fear and greed: These two emotions strongly influence market behaviour. Fear can make traders leave investments prematurely, and greed can result in holding onto investments for too long, disregarding indications of a market turnaround.

Lack of Risk Management

A main factor contributing to the poor success rate in trading is the lack of implementation of risk management strategies. Numerous traders join the crypto markets without a well-defined strategy for handling losses, which can have a negative impact considering the markets volatility. Crucial components of successful risk management comprise:

Position sizing: This involves calculating the appropriate investment amount per trade to reduce the risk of potential losses.

Stop-loss orders: This involves establishing prearranged points at which to sell an investment to prevent losses in the event of an unfavourable market movement.

Diversification: It involves distributing investments among a variety of assets to minimize the impact of one market event.

If traders do not implement risk management strategies, they are at a higher risk of facing substantial losses that can cancel out profits earned from successful trades.

Overreliance on Technical Analysis

Though technical analysis can be a valuable tool for studying statistical trends from trading activities, depending too heavily on it can have negative consequences. Failing to consider fundamental analysis in the crypto markets is a crucial error, as news and events have a significant impact on market sentiment. Traders frequently depend on technical indicators and patterns, while overlooking broader market contexts like regulations, technological advancements, and macroeconomic factors. This limited concentration may result in overlooking chances and heightened vulnerability to market hazards.


The reason for the low success rate in trading is largely due to a false sense of predictability, failures in common chart patterns, psychological pitfalls, inadequate risk management, and excessive dependence on technical analysis. Although chart patterns can provide useful information, they should be seen as just one of several tools in a traders arsenal. Achieving success in trading involves taking a comprehensive approach that involves technical analysis, fundamental analysis, and a strong focus on managing risks effectively. Understanding the cons of chart patterns and integrating a well-rounded strategy can improve traders opportunities for success and help them confidently trade in the crypto markets.

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