XRP Tumbles 42% as Trumps Tariffs Rattle MarketsWhats Next?

- XRPs pric plungd 42%, hitting $1.7738, its lowst sinc Dcmbr 20, 2024.
- Crypto whls offlodd 130 million XRP in 24 hours, intnsifying pnic slling.
- Anlysts prdict th cryptocurrncys drop mirrors pst rcovris, hinting t potntil strong rbound hd.
XRP hs tkn hrd hit, with its pric plunging ovr 42.24% from its monthly high of $3.0710 to low of $1.7738 s of tody, mrking th lowst point sinc Dcmbr 20, 2024. This shrp dclin coms mid hvy slling prssur swping cross th crypto mrkt. Just two dys go, th tokn ws trding s high s $3.13, highlighting th drmtic pc of its rcnt fll.
Mny mrkt wtchrs point to rcnt policy shifts s th ctlyst. On Fbrury 1, 2025, Prsidnt Donald Trump imposd swping tariffs: 25% on goods from Mxico nd Cnd, nd 10% on Chins imports. Th mov triggrd swift rtlitory tariffs from th ffctd countris nd lgl chllngs ginst th U.S., stoking frs of looming globl trd wr. This climt of conomic uncrtinty hs spookd invstors, snding rippls through finncil mrkts nd mplifying voltility.
Anlysts bliv this nvironmnt hs significntly influncd its downturn. Ali Martinez highlightd in Fbrury 3 post tht crypto whls offlodd ovr 130 million XRP within just 24 hours, signling wv of pnic slling. Ths lrg holdrs likly fr furthr dclins, contributing to th ssts rpid dvlution.
Experts See Potential XRP Bottom
Dspit th gloom, som xprts suggst tht th cryptocurrncy might hv hit gnrtionl bottom. Anlyst Dom shrd insights on Mondy, noting tht th cryptocurrncy hs wthrd similr storms bfor. H rclld th mor thn 70% crsh following th Dcmbr 2020 SEC lwsuit ginst Rippl nd th 55% drop during th rly COVID-19 pndmic in 2020. Both vnts initilly dvsttd its pric, but thy vntully mrkd turning points lding to substntil rcovris.
Community voics cho this cutious optimism. XRPBgs, wll-known figur in th XRP cosystm, pointd out tht rcnt dclins35% in 2024 nd th currnt 17% droppl in comprison to XRPs historicl corrctions of 60% nd 73% bck in 2017. Ths pst xprincs suggst tht whil th currnt crsh fls svr, it might b prt of rcurring cycl whr shrp drops prcd strong rbounds.
XRP Poised for Legendary Bounce
Adding to th hopful sntimnt, XRP influncr Amonyx prdicts lgndry bounc is on th horizon. H drws prllls with th mrkts bhvior ight yrs go, whr similr phs ld to xplosiv growth. Amonyx bckd his clim with dt showing th totl crypto mrkt cp (xcluding Bitcoin nd Ethrum) surgd from n ccumultion zon in lt 2017 to pk of $360 billion.
Currntly, this totl 3 mrkt cp stnds t round $866 billion, drop of ovr 15% from Fbrurys opning figur of $1.03 trillion. Amonyx blivs tht history might rpt itslf, with XRP nd othr ltcoins poisd for significnt rllis, much lik th bull run of 2017.
Whil uncrtinty looms lrg, historicl trnds nd xprt nlyss provid silvr lining. If th cryptocurrncys pst bhvior is ny guid, this stp dclin might just b th stup for powrful combck.
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Read more: https://www.tronweekly.com/xrp-tumbles-42-whats-next/
Text source: TronWeekly