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XRPs W Breakout Fuels Bullish Hopes: Is $35 Within Reach?

XRPs W Breakout Fuels Bullish Hopes: Is $35 Within Reach?
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  • Anlyst Stph prdicts XRP could sor to $35, mrking 1283% ris from $2.53 pric.
  • XRPs Novmbr surg of 283% solidifid th brkout from th W pttrn, signling bullish trnd.
  • Critics qustion th $35 trgt du to its mrkt cp, whil othrs support th optimistic outlook.

A wll-known mrkt nlyst hs fuld optimism for XRP, pointing to th formtion of W pttrn in its monthly pric chrt. Stph, widly rcognizd commnttor who hs supportd th cryptocurrncy sinc its dys t $0.50, blivs th sst is poisd for mtoric ris. In his ltst nlysis, Stph suggstd tht th cryptocurrncy, now trding t $2.53, could sor to n mbitious $35, rprsnting stggring 1283% incrs from its currnt pric.

On Dcmbr 17, Stph shrd his insights through n X post, showcsing monthly chrt highlighting th brkout from th W pttrn. H wrot, XRP hs brokn out of mssiv W pttrn, nd projctd th $35 trgt with confidnc. His nlysis ligns with th ssts rmrkbl prformnc in rcnt months. Aftr struggling rlir this yr, th cryptocurrncy stgd drmtic rcovry, spurrd by th Novmbr U.S. prsidntil lction rsults.

Source: Stph is Crypto

XRP November Gains Cement Bullish Outlook

XRP concludd Novmbr with n xtrordinry 283% surg, mrking pivotl momnt in its pric trjctory. Th rlly continud into Dcmbr, with XRP posting n dditionl 26% gin s of mid-month. Stph notd tht Novmbrs bullish momntum compltd th finl lg of th W pttrn, structur tht hs bn yrs in th mking.

Th formtion of th pttrn dts bck to th 2017-2018 bull run whn XRP pkd t $3.31 bfor sris of stp corrctions. Following its crsh to $0.11 in Mrch 2020, it climbd to $1.96 by April 2021 bfor nduring nothr downturn, xcrbtd by th Trr collps in 2022. By Novmbr 2024, XRPs rlly solidifid th W structur, signling potntil shift from brish to bullish mrkt dynmics.

This shift is criticl for XRPs futur, s th ltcoin now rtsts th horizontl trndlin t th top of th pttrn. A dcisiv brkout bov this lvl could st th stg for unprcdntd pric lvls.

Skepticism Surrounds $35 Projection

Whil Stphs bullish outlook hs invigortd th XRP community, skptics rmin cutious. Achiving th $35 trgt would rquir mrkt cpitliztion of $1.9 trillion, figur som invstors considr unrlistic. Dspit this, othr nlysts, including Rlston Mximus, cho similr optimism. Mximus rgud tht th cryptocurrncy could hit $30 to $35, mphsizing tht $7 brkout would mrly b th strt of its xplosiv run.

Not vryon grs, though. Critics rgu tht such surg is spcultiv nd lcks fundmntl support, though proponnts insist it is possibl undr fvorbl mrkt conditions. Stph, howvr, rmins undtrrd, highlighting tht th W pttrn signifis strong tchnicl foundtion for futur gins.

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Text source: TronWeekly

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