BlockREN 2021 | A Global Blockchain Event By Komodo

Privacy and blockchain activists, including the Free Ross Foundation, called together for multi-city Renaissance Conference this November.
The virtual & in-person event across Miami (US), Hague (Netherlands) and other cities will gather blockchain, privacy and free speech enthusiasts by taking them back to the original values of Bitcoin
22.09.21 - Miami, Florida – Komodo, an open source technology and blockchain solutions provider, has announced Blockchain Renaissance 2021 (BlockREN), a two-day virtual and globally distributed event that will bring together leaders and enthusiasts of decentralization, privacy and security to explore the digital and economic renaissance being fueled by blockchain technology.
“Blockchain has the potential to decentralize not just money, but our data and privacy, freeing it from siloed monopolies and putting it back into our hands. BlockREN will come back to the original ideals of the technology, exploring how to build a truly decentralized world and collaborate together in an ever-expanding metaverse without any of the geographical limitations,” said Kadan Stadelmann, CTO of Komodo and lead developer of AtomicDEX.
BlockREN will be livestreamed on November 8 and 9, alongside ten in-person events in global cities around the world, with the main portion taking place at James L. Knight Center in downtown Miami.
Other event locations will include The Hague Tech in the Netherlands, and more local meet ups to be announced closer to the date.
It will feature some of the blockchain industry's most forward-thinking founders, developers and activists, including Lyn Ulbricht, mother of Ross Ulbricht, creator of Silk Road and founder of the Free Ross Foundation; Doug Pepe, Blockchain Law Professor at George Washington University, and Tatiana Moroz, Host of the Tatiana Show podcast.
“I’m looking forward to celebrating the Blockchain Renaissance, while remembering that we must also bring about a rebirth from prison for Ross Ulbricht, a man who helped usher blockchain into our world,” said Lyn Ulbricht, mother of Ross Ulbricht.
Discussions will range across pressing issues impacting the future of our world, such as privacy, security, free speech, surveillance, and the relationship between freedom and technology.
A mix of keynotes and panels will enable free thinkers to explore groundbreaking ideas and unify various blockchains and projects in one room.
Attendees can also tune into workshops held in person and online that cover topics including: creating Tails for Internet privacy, setting up your own router, creating a hardware wallet, crypto mining, blockchain security, cybersecurity, atomic swap technology, the latest on DeFi security, preventing 51% attacks with delayed Proof of Work, and more.
“We saw an urgent need for a space to discuss and address the pressing issues of privacy, security, freedom and decentralization. The rapid hype of the industry has undermined these original values and the promise of decentralized open-source P2P technology. Technology is a double-edged sword, and what could liberate us could as well enslave us. If we don’t have a firm grip on the steering wheel, then we are in continuous danger of driving off the cliff,” said Audo Kowitz, Chief Marketing Officer of Komodo.
Tickets go on sale today at BlockREN’s official website and can be purchased using USD or crypto.
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Text source: Komodo Platform Blog | En