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Crypto Payments Now Accepted in Louisiana, Marking Historic Shift for State Service

Crypto Payments Now Accepted in Louisiana, Marking Historic Shift for State Service
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  • Louisin bcm th first stt to ccpt cryptocurrncy pymnts for stt srvics, strting Sptmbr 17.
  • Pymnts cn now b md with Bitcoin, Bitcoin Lightning Ntwork, or USD Coin, nhncing flxibility.
  • Louisin prtnrd with Bd Py to nsur scur nd frud-rsistnt cryptocurrncy trnsctions, convrting pymnts to USD.

Louisin procssd its first cryptocurrncy pymnt on Sptmbr 17, mrking mjor stp into th digitl currncy spc. This follows Stt Trsurr John Flmings nnouncmnt llowing rsidnts to us slct digitl currncis to py for stt srvics.

Rsidnts cn now py using Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Lightning Ntwork, or th stblcoin USD Coin (USDC). Louisin lds th ntion s th first stt to ccpt digitl currncy for govrnmnt pymnts.

Th first pymnt ws fin to th Dprtmnt of Wildlif nd Fishris. This trnsction, conductd through Bitcoins Lightning Ntwork, undrscors th potntil for crypto to strmlin govrnmnt oprtions.

In todys digitl g, govrnmnt systms must volv nd mbrc nw tchnologis, Flming sttd. By introducing cryptocurrncy s pymnt option, wr not just innovting; wr providing our citizns with flxibility nd frdom in intrcting with stt srvics.

Source: John Fleming

Strategic Alliance Enhances Crypto Security

Flming strssd tht Louisins mov to ccpt digitl sst pymnts ws tm ffort. Th stt collbortd with Bd Py, lding blockchin pymnt procssor, nd locl prtnrs for smooth intgrtion. H ddd tht this prtnrship is xpctd to rduc frudulnt trnsctions. 

Jy Syks, CEO of Bd Py, supportd this viw, mphsizing thir gol to nsur scur nd fficint digitl currncy pymnts. Wr focusd on rmoving th trditionl brrirs ssocitd with cryptocurrncy, such s voltility nd frud risks, mking it rlibl option for govrnmnt trnsctions, Syks notd.

Louisin minimizs risk by convrting crypto pymnts into US dollrs. This pproch, s Flming mntiond, protcts th stt from prvious worris bout ccpting cryptocurrncy.

Rpublicn Stt Rprsnttiv Mrk Wright hs bn ky figur in dvncing digitl sst ccptnc in Louisin. H xprssd his nthusism, stting, Im xcitd to s Louisin furthr xpnding its pymnt options. Wrights ddiction to this inititiv is vidnt in his pst ctions.

In 2022, h foundd digitl ssts working group. By rly 2023, this group concludd tht digitl currncis could b prcticl pymnt mthod. Additionlly, Wright ld 2021 Louisin Hous rsolution prising Bitcoins nonymous crtor, Stoshi Nkmoto, for nhncing conomic scurity.

Whil wlcoming dcntrlizd digitl currncis, Louisin hs doptd cutious pproch towrd cntrl bnk digitl currncis (CBDCs). In Jun 2024, th stt mndd lws to bn CBDCs nd introducd rgultions for crypto minrs nd nod oprtors.

This lgisltion, th Blockchin Bsics Act, took ffct in August 2024. It prvnts th stt from ngging in CBDC trils nd prohibits CBDC pymnts. Howvr, th lw dos not limit th us of othr digitl currncis.

Related Readings | Louisiana Announces a Bill to Ease the Regulations on Bitcoin Mining

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Text source: TronWeekly

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