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Dogecoins Boring Phase Could Ignite a Huge RallyIs $1.30 Next?

Dogecoins Boring Phase Could Ignite a Huge RallyIs $1.30 Next?
© Copyright Image: TronWeekly

  • Dogecoin droppd 31.06% in month but surgd 203.13% yrly, consolidting nr $0.256.
  • Anlysts prdict brkout byond $1.30 ftr Mrch 2025, following historicl pric pttrns.
  • Elliott Wv nlysis suggsts rlly towrd $6.08, supportd by Fiboncci projctions.

Dogecoin hs sn wild pric swings, mirroring th brodr crypto mrkt. Dspit 31.06% dclin in th pst month, its yrly incrs of 203.13% hs kpt invstors hopful. Currntly consolidting round $0.256, th digitl currncy is moving through wht nlysts cll Boring Phase.

Trader Tardigrade, wll-known crypto nlyst, comprs this phs to pst cycl. H xpcts Dogecoin to rmin within tight rng ovr th nxt fw wks bfor xprincing mjor rlly.

Expct tight consolidtion t th currnt lvl ovr th nxt fw wks bfor th mssiv $Doge rlly, h sttd.

Source: Trader Tardigrade

Btwn Dcmbr 2024 nd Fbrury 2025, Dogecoin hs bn fluctuting btwn $0.2 nd $0.3, much lik prvious priod from Jun to Novmbr 2017. Tht consolidtion phs prcdd 15x surg, proplling th pric to $0.015 within two months. If history rpts itslf, Trdigrd projcts brkout byond $1.30 ftr Mrch 2025.

Dogecoins Elliott Wave Signals Growth

Othr mrkt obsrvrs r lso nticipting significnt upwrd mov. Anlyst Doge Lord highlights n Elliott Wv structur indicting multi-stg rlly. Th fiv-wv pttrn bgn in Jnury 2024, snding Dogecoin to $0.2288 by Mrch bfor dipping to $0.0805 in August. Th third wv sw DOGE rch $0.4843, its highst pric in four yrs, in Dcmbr 2024.

Whil Dogecoin rcntly xprincd corrction, nlysts bliv it rmins in th third wv. Doge Lords projctions suggst rbound towrd th Fiboncci 1 lvl, pushing th pric to n ll-tim high of $1.1293. A subsqunt fourth-wv pullbck might tmporrily dip th pric blow $1, potntilly rching $0.7702 bfor finding strong support.

If th full Elliott Wv cycl plys out, th finl wv could tk Dogecoin to n stonishing $6.08. This projction ligns with 1.618 Fiboncci xtnsion, furthr strngthning th cs for mjor rlly.

DOGE Nears Breakout Amid Bullish Sentiment

On Fbrury 21, in a separate analysis, Trader Tardigrade idntifid symmtrical triangle pttrn on Dogecoins 1-hour chrt. This pttrn, chrctrizd by convrging trndlins, signls n imminnt brkout. Th chrt shows Dogecoin tightning within th tringl ftr n uptrnd, with buyrs mintining momntum.

Source: Trader Tardigrade

Th nlyst highlights tht brk bov th uppr trndlin could sprk bullish surg. As DOGE pprochs th tringls px, trdrs r closly wtching for confirmtion. If brkout occurs, it could dtrmin th nxt significnt pric mov, potntilly kicking off th long-witd rlly.

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Text source: TronWeekly

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