Expert Says Why Worry About Buying XRP at $3? Look at Bitcoins 96,000% Rise

Expert Edoardo Farina advises XRP investors to focus on the long-term and not stress over short-term price dips, comparing XRPs future to Bitcoin's 96,000% rise.Over the last 24 hours, a major bearish storm has taken over XRPs gains, causing the price to dip to $2.47. This comes just three days after XRP re-approached the $3 mark, reaching a multi-week high of $2.83. However, it has since dipped about 15%, triggering concerns among holders.Notably, this dip occurred amid Bitcoins instability. The premier crypto asset dropped to $93,300 over the past day after ranging around $98K for several days.With ongoing price fluctuations causing unease among holders, Edoardo Farina, the founder of Alpha Lions Academy, took to X to offer a reminder for XRP investors to zoom out.Worry Not About Buying XRP at $3Farina emphasized a smart investing approach, pointing out that small price movements should not deter long-term holders. He drew a parallel to Bitcoin's past performance, where it surged from just a few dollars to a six-figure digital asset.Would it really matter if you bought Bitcoin at $100 or $300, knowing where it is today? Farina asked.His statement suggests that it would not matter whether one bought XRP at $1 or $3 in a few years, as the price could have advanced as dramatically as Bitcoins did. He argues that short-term volatility is just noise for those who believe in XRPs potential.Take Cues from BitcoinFor context, Bitcoin traded around $100 in 2013, and today, it sits at $96,281, delivering steadfast holders a 962X return.Meanwhile, XRP has also been part of the market through Bitcoins 12-year rise. Currently, at around $2.60, XRP has offered holders a 44X return.While the return on XRP may seem small compared to Bitcoins astronomical rise, experts like Farina remain bullish on its future. In previous commentaries, Farina suggested that XRP could reach lofty heightsup to $10,000 per coin.Essentially, Farinas tweet encourages investors to avoid panicking over short-term price dips. He suggests that, in hindsight, buying XRP at a "higher" price like $3 may seem irrelevant, especially if XRP reaches some of the widely projected future values.
Text source: The Crypto Basic