John Lennon’s Son Julian Auctions The Beatles NFTs

John Lennon’s son Julian has released historical music memorabilia related to The Beatles. The items will be sold as NFTs only. The NFTs are unique, limited-edition, and non-interchangeable. The physical items won’t be auctioned and will be kept by Julian Lennon himself. Part of the proceeds will be donated to The White Feather Foundation.
The items include ‘Hey Jude’ notes hand-written by Paul McCartney, Black Cape worn by John Lennon from the movie ‘Help!,’ and guitars gifted to Julian from his father.
Another collection is the original drawing of ‘Lucy’ by Julian Lennon when he was a child, which inspired John Lennon to write the iconic hit ‘Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.’
“I actually felt very bad about keeping all that stuff locked away, and I just felt that this was a unique way to continue dad’s legacy and to show people the collections I have, and with the videos and narration, to give people a little more than they would normally get and hear some stories that they haven’t heard before in a new art form and a different medium,”
Julian told Variety.
Registration and Bidding is now open for Lennon Connection: The NFT Collection. In collaboration with @JuliensAuctions x @YellowHeartNFT , a portion of the proceeds will be donated to @TWFFofficial to offset carbon via @nori. Learn more at
— Julian Lennon (@JulianLennon) January 24, 2022
On the Flipside
- Historical items sold as NFTs help continue the band’s legacy in different forms while educating the new generations about music.
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