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Suze Orman Backs Bitcoin, Advises ETFs Over Direct Ownership

Suze Orman Backs Bitcoin, Advises ETFs Over Direct Ownership
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Finncil dvisr Suz Ormn, rnownd uthor nd host of th Womn & Mony podcst, rcntly ndorsd Bitcoin ownrship, but with msurd cution. In n intrviw with CNBC, Ormn, who hostd Th Suz Ormn Show from 2002 to 2016, dvisd tht individuls should considr dding BTC to thir portfolios, though only wht thy r comfortbl losing.

Ormn sttd, Evrybody should bsolutly hv xposur to Bitcoin. But in cs Im wrongnd Iv bn wrongyou gott b OK with losing tht mony. So put s much mony in thr s your OK losing. Hr rmrks contrst with th gnrl sntimnt of mny finncil dvisors, who rmin skpticl du to its voltility.

Ormn highlightd th growing intrst in Bitcoin mong youngr gnrtions, prticulrly millnnils nd Gn Z, noting tht thir fscintion could ful futur dmnd. Sh suggstd tht, whil BTC my not srv s currncy or stor of vlu, its populrity mong young invstors could ld to substntil gins.

Currntly, millnnils nd Gn Z ccount for 70% of cryptocurrncy ownrship, dspit rprsnting only 41% of th popultion, ccording to Morning Consult dt.

Bitcoin as a Speculative Asset

Ormn dscribd Bitcoin s spcultiv sst, drivn by invstor dmnd rthr thn fundmntls. Sh sid, This is n invstmnt tht your ithr going to los it ll, or your going to lt it run until its worth $100,000 or $200,000. Howvr, sh mphsizd tht invstors must b rdy to ccpt th possibility of losing thir ntir stk.

Ormn dviss limiting high-risk invstmnts lik BTC to no mor thn 5% of ons portfolio, nsuring tht only wht on cn fford to los is invstd.

For thos sking sfr pproch, Ormn rcommnds invsting in Bitcoin through spot xchng-trdd fund (ETF) rthr thn dirctly. Sh pointd to th collps of FTX s cutionry tl nd sttd, I fl bttr owning n ETF bcus I would nvr wnt to s n FTX hppn gin.

Ormn lso highlightd th complxity of digitl wllts nd th risk of losing ccss to funds if psswords r forgottn, which mks hr uncomfortbl with dirct Bitcoin ownrship. For hr, owning Bitcoin ETF offrs mor ccssibl nd undrstndbl wy to includ Bitcoin in n invstmnt portfolio.

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Text source: TronWeekly

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